


All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only,

and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.

Last updated 03/15/2020

Spend $50 and get a free lavender sachet!


At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com

Simply list the products you would like to order and I will send an invoice through SQUARE register.

SQUARE is similar to Paypal but much simpler and more reliable:  You don't have to be a "member".  

You click "Pay Invoice" within the email.  When you pay, they send notice to me and I ship your products.  Very quick and easy.   

Please email a list of what you would like to order and include your mailing address and contact number.


If you have questions about products  call (805) 649-2476


Rivendell Products: click on your choice or scroll down the page.

Lavender Essential Oil

Essential Oils

Lavender History

Helichrysum - Immortelle

Lavender Bath Salts


Lavender Wands


Lavender Sachet

Herbal Mists

Lavender Bundles

Bath Salts

Lavender Comfort Pillows

Body Butter

Lavender Candles

Handmade Soap

Lavender Soap

Beeswax Aromatherapy Candles

Lavender Lotion

Rejuvenating Face Serum or Face Cream

Lavender Body Butter


Lavender Shampoo

Hass Avocados

Lavender Greeting Cards

White Sage

Lavender Wreaths

Vegetale Oils

Lavender Honey

Violet Glass Information


Greetings from




Good Harvest!

Nestled in the protected Casitas Pass Valley near Santa Barbara, our Lavender fields grow in the bright sunshine while cooled by ocean breezes. This combination of hot sun and cool air produces a very fragrant flower on a vigorous healthy plant. Our plants are grown without chemicals and our products are made by hand here on our farm.

We make things the way you would make them for yourself if you had time.

"I grow Lavender because I love the fragrance and all the wonderful aspects of it's therapeutic properties - calming but energizing, antiseptic, pain relieving especially of bug bites, and it's ability to 'comfort the braine'." Sandy Messori


Lavender for Life

Lavender can help relieve Insomnia, Pain, Depression

The three most common complaints that general practioner Doctors receive from their patients are:

1. Insomnia.  Lavender can help most people settle down for a good night's rest; apply a drop on your pillow, in a bedtime diffuser or try a drop between your toes.  It seems to work by "clearing the mind" of all of those disturbing thoughts that are  keeping you awake.

2. Pain.  Lavender can relieve pain of inflammation such as muscle strain or Arthritis with massage in a warm carrier oil (60 drops in a 4 ounce container of oil).  Lavender can lessen the pain and itch of an insect bite or sting of a bee/wasp and it can limit the swelling, also.

3. Depression.  Lavender is an established mood lifter, used in meditation and other relaxation and de-stressing exercises.  It seems to work by "clearing the mind" of those thoughts that are causing you pain or sadness or stress.   


Lavender Hues excerpts from An Herb for all Seasons, by Linda Boston

Fields aglow in a lavender mist are beginning to appear in areas of the western United States most conducive to it's growth - that is, Mediterranean climates with warm summers and cool dry winters.

Lavender is by no means new to the world markets. It is cultivated commercially in France, England, Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Russia, Spain, Tanganyika, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Lavender grows wild in the south of France, Italy Corsica, and Yugoslavia. France is the largest grower with annual production varying from about fifty metric tons per year which is far from sufficient for its own needs, and even the Russian production does not cover local consumption

The quintessential lavender romance is found in the South of France, in Provence, where the fragrance of lavender is synonymous with summer. In Provence, Lavender first blooms in June and is gathered in July or August. Fresh bouquets fill the markets; flower festivals and craft fairs are held in village streets in the perfume laden air. The cultivated Lavender fields amidst the olive groves and vineyards were a source of inspiration for the nineteenth century French Impressionist artists.

The United States is somewhat of a newcomer to the commercial production of Lavender. Sequim Washington was proclaimed the Lavender capital of the U.S., with its favorable geographic location, protected by the Olympic Mountains, that gives it a Mediterranean climate. But in the last few years, Lavender has caught on in California. In the wine regions such as Napa and Sonoma in northern California, the Santa Ynez Valley (and now in the Ojai Valley) to the south, some select locations offer a Provencal appearance with vineyards, olive groves, and fields of purple lavender. This new-found proliferation in areas where vineyard planting has become almost prosaic give us evidence that there must be demand for this herb and the products of its harvest.

Lavender is a member of the Lamiaceae family, which also includes sage, thyme, savory and oregano. An evergreen shrub, two to four feet in height, lavender blooms with deep purple, violet, pink and white blossoms that grow in a tight swirl around the stalk. The herb has a clean fresh soothing fragrance with woody and camphoric overtones. When harvested, the blossoms drop off leaving the bluish lavender buds that cluster tightly against the stem. The bud-covered stems bunched together make a bouquet that is lovely by itself or as an accent to other floral arrangements. A sprig of Lavender at every place setting is a trendy signature of summer entertaining (or wedding dinners). The bud-covered stems can also be dried; (some) retain their purple color and can be used long term. The buds alone make excellent potpourri and sachets, and can also be brewed in teas. Lavender is edible. Yet most in demand is the oil. Lavender (flower stems) are steam distilled to product the Essential Oil of Lavender, which is the primary ingredient in a wide array of products.

Lavender Oil is the most dominant oil in perfumes. It can also be used for skin conditioners, body lotions, bath soaps, shampoos, candles, deodorizers, laundry soaps and household cleansers. A wide array of far-reaching claims about the benefits of lavender include that it reduces dandruff when used in shampoos, calms and soothes the skin and balances oil production, helps heal blemishes and stimulate the circulation to the skin, reduces acne and eczema, heals burns and sunburn, and alleviate the effects of bee stings (and insect bites). It is known to have mild antiseptic and antibiotic properties that can kill bacteria. Lavender is a natural insect repellent for fleas and flies. Some claim that Lavender can suppress sprouting in potatoes, and that the fragrance of Lavender is calming to horses (and other animals). Some equestrians spray Lavender scented water directly on their horses to obtain this calming and balancing effect.

Essential oil of lavender is even used as flavoring for various foods, including beverages, ice-cream, candy, baked goods and chewing gum. Lavender honey is gathered from bees that feed on blooming Lavender.

Some of the 'medicinal' benefits of lavender are that it calms the nerves, balances emotions, prevents insomnia and alleviates fear and irritability and stress. It is thought that it clears the thinking and strengthens the nervous system and that it benefits those who suffer from hyperglycemia, hypertension, indigestion, arteriosclerosis, digestive complaints, kidney stones, fragile capillaries, anemia and heartburn. It is also effective in reducing caffeine-induced hyper-activity, in relieving headaches, in promoting deeper and longer sleep and in alleviating motion sickness. Such medicinal uses of Lavender have been popularized by a healing technique known as Aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is a term for the practice of using essential oils taken from plants to bring healing and balance to the body. In fact, the term was coined in 1928 by the French chemist, Gattefosse, after he accidentally discovered that the use of oil of Lavender healed a severe burn on his hand without scarring. In Aromatherapy the aroma itself does not bring the cure, but rather it serves to stir cell-level memories in the body that can bring about greater balance and well-being. The theory is that olfactory cilia transmit to the brain's limbic cortex, which regulates the secretion of pituitary hormones. Some aromatherapists claim that inhaling the essential oil of lavender or allowing it to be absorbed through the skin causes serotonin to be released, producing a calming influence.

Most lavenders are native to the Mediterranean countries. Lavender was perhaps first cultivated in Persia. The early Egyptians believed that fragrances were emanations from deities and they wrapped their dead in Lavender-dipped shrouds. There are theories held by some Egyptologists that the Temple of Luxor reflects the anatomical structure of the nasal cavity, with secret sanctuary chambers representing the olfactory, pineal and pituitary glands in the human head.

The Ancient Greeks used Lavender to help alleviate insomnia, insanity and aching backs. The Greek naturalist, Dioscoride, praised the medicinal attributes of Lavender in the first century A.D. Lavender is referred to in the Bible by the name of 'spikenard'. In John, Chapter 12, Mary is said to have anointed the feet of Jesus with the "'very costly" ointment of spikenard. In further discussion of selling the ointment, Jesus states that the ointment was not to be sold but was to be kept for the day of his burying. The Romans used lavender in soaps and carried it with them throughout the Roman Empire for bathing purposes. The name Lavender was coined during the Middle ages and derives from the Latin verb lavare, which means, "to wash." In Medieval and Renaissance Europe, the washing women were known as "lavenders." They used Lavender to scent drawers and they dried the laundry on Lavender bushes. Lavender was also used as a plague remedy. In the nineteenth century, Queen Victoria took an interest in Lavender and English Lavender became popular. The Victorians used Lavender for gardens and were the first to bring the plant inside. During World War I, Lavender moved to the front lines and was used as an antiseptic. Lavender was discovered to be good for skin wounds and burns, a remedy for bug bites and a general panacea to help the skin heal more quickly.

Clearly, the recent interest in Lavender represents a rebirth of what was once the rage! Lavender can be planted anywhere in rock and flower gardens as an annual plant. In appropriate climates, it is a long lived perennial with a typical productive life of about ten years, although plants have been known to live twenty years. There are a number of varieties of lavender and therefore there is some variety in the growing conditions required. All varieties have in common the need for lots of sun and well-drained soil that is slightly alkaline. Lavender does not require a lot of water except in the early stages. The plant does not like to have "wet feet."

Cultivated lavender is most often planted as cuttings from the desired mother plant to ensure the correct variety. Making a selection of the species of Lavender from the many varieties is based on climate and soil conditions of the growing location and on intended use of the harvest. Lavenders vary in color, fragrance, taste, and size. There are some Lavenders that won't tolerate harsh winters and some that will, some Lavenders that sprawl more than others, some that are easier to harvest and some that bloom earlier.

Within the various species of lavender there are 'cultivars', which are variations of the same species. When growing for commercial purposes, one must first select the desired species, but it is also essential that the correct cultivars are planted. One of the most common cultivars is a 'lavandin' known as Lavender 'Grosso.' This variety has gorgeous color, a wonderful scent and an abundance of oil.

There are numbers of books available on the subject of growing lavender and selection of varieties. The best way to learn the nuances of the different varieties is to grow them yourself or visit someone who does. Experience the lavender!


Distillation of Lavender in the fields of Provence, early 1900s. The writing on the photo says, "An overwhelming fragrance is released from the flowers and from the still; penetrating, delicious, it fills the entire valley." Lamothe, L., 1908


Fun at the Sequim Lavender Festival - Roland & Sandy, cousin Diane & Wendell


Sandy and Peggy hanging bundles


Roland harvesting


Lavandula intermedia 'Grosso'


You can see harvested plants in the rows at the top


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At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com

Lavender Products:

Lavender Essential Oil

All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only,

and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.

Aromatherapists for thousands of years have turned to Lavender for the beautiful fragrance. Its use as a perfume began with Phoenicians and Egyptians and continues to this day all over the world. Herbalists now prescribe the essential oil extracted from the flowering stalks for all kinds of skin problems, wounds, bruises, insect bites, muscular aches, head pains( rub a few drops on the temples), respiratory problems (such as asthma, bronchitis and laryngitis - gargle), nausea, cramps, stroke, depression, grief, PMS, shock, high blood pressure, insomnia, migraine, sciatica, deodorant, and moth repellant.

We grow our lavender  ORGANICALLY, harvest manually, distill sensitively - long, slow, low pressure, low temperature

We have several distillations of our Lavender oil as follows:

 Fine Lavender Lavandula angustifolia ' Rivendell Estate Blend' 10 different varieties of our organically grown Lavandula angustifolia  distilled together: High sweet  notes, good for perfumery, emotional therapy and stress, settling down for meditation or sleep      2 ml $5.00   10 ml 10.00,    30 ml $ 25.00    4 oz $59.00,   16 oz $213

Fine Lavender Lavandula angustifolia 'Buena Vista' High sweet fragrance, for perfumery and in aromatherapy as a calming sedative, pain relief, antiseptic, headache relief, heart tonic, depression, hysteria and panic, skin problems: 2 ml $5,    10 ml  $15.00,     30 ml $36.00     4 oz $135.00   

Fine Lavender Lavandula angustifolia 'Alba' White Lavender  has a sweet heady first note with just a hint of butterscotch and a little snippet of camphor; excellent for perfumery and in aromatherapy as a calming sedative, pain relief, antiseptic, headache relief, heart tonic (physically and mentally), depression, hysteria and panic, skin problems:  10 ml  $19.00,     30 ml $49.00

Lavender Lavandula angustifolia 'Vera' ,  Another beautiful Lavender oil used therapeutically for pain and respiratory issues.  2 ml $5.00   10 ml 10.00,    30 ml $ 25.00

Lavandin, Lavandula intermedia 'Grosso' Used in aromatherapy for respiratory ailments, muscle pain, and circulatory distress; my oil tested out with a high level of linalool and linalyl acetate, the "high" notes so prized by aromatherapists for sedative and pain relief qualities.           Cold & flu prevention: Lavandula intermedia 'Grosso' properties. Michael Scholes, Lab of Flowers, wrote me that he was teaching a class in NYC when he felt himself coming down with flu. He took a long hot bath with my Lavandin and then went to bed and rubbed some on his chest. He woke the next morning without symptoms!  Debbie Freund, RN, teaches nurses how to use this oil to prevent infection and stimulate their immune system.   This  essential oil may help avoid and treat virus infections       10 ml $7.00,   30 ml $18.00,   4 oz $48,    8 oz $86,    16 oz $152

NOW AVAILABLE!  Lavender/Immortelle The idea for this oil came from a suggestion by John Steele to do a co-distillation of Helichrysum italicum and Lavender. We harvest our beautiful blue Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote' which produces an oil with a lovely sweet essence. Then we add to the same still  some of our first pick of the golden flowered Helichrysum italicum.   Distilling both herbs in the same still produces an oil with a lovely sexy lavender essence and an underground warm toasty honey after-note from the Heli.   John Steele describes this as a molecularly melded magical oil with a synergy of the healing properties of Helichrysum and the soothing properties of Lavender.     2 ml $6     10 ml $22.00,    30 ml $52.00

Lovely hydrosols (AKA:  Hydrolat, flower water) also available from all of the lavender distillations...4 oz glass mist bottle $15,      1 liter (32 ounces) $65.00




Roland charging still........collection flask....custom glass condenser...glass test distillation unit



At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com

All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only,

and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.

Lavender Mist

Aromatherapists for thousands of years have turned to Lavender for the beautiful fragrance. Its use as a perfume began with Phoenicians and Egyptians and continues to this day all over the world. Herbalists prescribe the essential oil extracted from the flowering stalks for all kinds of skin problems, wounds, bruises, insect bites, muscular aches, head pains( rub a few drops on the temples), respiratory problems (such as asthma, bronchitis and laryngitis - gargle), nausea, cramps, stroke, depression, grief, PMS, shock, high blood pressure, insomnia, migraine, sciatica, deodorant, and moth repellant. Contains distilled water and Essential Oil of Lavandula angustifolia.

Wedding planners order these mists for the guests, especially for an outside summer wedding.

Teachers use them to calm the students, especially before a quiz. "They ask for it!"


4 ounce  glass bottle with fine mist cap $10.00 each

1 ounce  glass bottle with fine mist cap $5.00 each

8 ounce  plastic bottle with fine mist cap $15.00

30 ml Violet Glass Bottle with fine mist cap $6.00 each

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TO ORDER:   Email rivendell7@aol.com
Lavender Bath Salts

Treat yourself to a relaxing bath with my Stress Relief bath salt blend. This is a DETOX formula for Cellulite Control, reduces lines and softens scars. Use 1/4 cup in your warm bath.

Contains: Celtic Sea Salts, Epsom Salts, True Essential Oils of Lavender, Pink Grapefruit, Tangerine, and Lemon

16 oz HDP Plastic jar - enough for 7 luxurious baths - $10 each   


HDP = High Density Plastic.....very unreactive





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Magic Lavender Wand

These magic wands are woven of fresh fragrant Lavender flowers grown organically.

To use the wand: Close the eyes. Rub the wand gently between the palms. Hold the wand close to your face and breathe the scent deeply. One feels a sense of well-being and joy.

Use for stress relief, headache, depression, grief, or anxiety. Put a wand beside your bed - Lavender can help you fall asleep, stay asleep and sleep deeper. Keep one on your work desk - give it a squeeze when you feel stressed or anxious. Keep one in your closet - they are Moth repellant.

12 inch wand woven of satin ribbon in your choice of many colors $10 each

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At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com

Lavender Flower Sachet

Approximately 1 ounce of our fragrant  Lavender 'Grosso' sachet in a lovely organza bag or an embroidered muslin bag, 3 X 5 inch $5 each       Information card attached

Lavender 'Grosso' is the most fragrant lavender sachet in the world because the florets have a great deal of essential oil in each one.  Our sachet is sweeter than most due to our beautiful microclimate, with the warm sunny hillsides washed by the cool breezes from the Pacific Ocean, just 4 miles away.


True Lavender can relax, soothe nerves, relieve stress and make it easier to go to sleep, naturally. Lavender is used in Aromatherapy for pain relief and depression.
Put a sachet in your pillow, or beside your bed - Lavender can help you fall asleep, stay asleep and sleep deeper. Keep one on your work desk - give it a squeeze when you feel stressed or anxious. Keep one in your closets-it repels moths. Keep one in your pet bedding - it repels fleas and ticks. Toss one in the dryer to scent your special clothes or linens.

<-------1 ounce organza or muslin pouch  $5.00 each


Bulk Sachet    1/2 pound $35.00      16 oz $60.00


We also have sweet little heart sachets, $3 each,    2 for $5         10 for $20.00


 We have limited quantities of CULINARY lavender buds.  Two kinds:

'Fine' lavender buds, a blend of Lavender angustifolia varieties with sweet fragrance and  dark blue color, good for sweets like baked goods lavender sugar and lemonade.  0.5 oz tin$10.00

'Provence' lavender buds, stronger aromatic fragrance for savory dishes  0.5 oz tin $10.00



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Lavender Flower Bundles

Lovely Romantic bundles of Hidcote Lavender, decorated with pink roses and million stars baby's breath

 tied with  French wired ribbon, \

can be hung as an elegant scented decoration. We fresh pick the flowers and dry them to perfection.

10"  long

$15.00 each


Fragrant Lavender Bundle

Organically grown Lavender 'Grosso'

This graceful bouquet will scent your home with the fragrance of Lavender

18"  long in a purple tissue sleeve with information card

$7 each

3 for $20

One of life's beautiful pleasures

TO ORDER:   Email rivendell7@aol.com


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At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com

Lavender Comfort Pillows:

All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only,

and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.

Clockwise from top: Crescent, Computer Wrist-rest, Comfort pillow, Round Eye-Ear-Toothache pillow.

"Breathing true Lavender can relax and soothe nerves, relieve stress, calm tension headaches, and help lower blood pressure, all naturally." S.M..

These comfort pillows are sewn in a gorgeous 100% cotton fabric custom printed with bundles of lavender flowers and stuffed with a seed blend of whole flax, millet seed and home grown, dried Lavender flowers. Do not wash them, simply clean the surface with a damp cloth. Each one comes with an information card.

For a nice warm hug, you may heat them in a microwave for 1 - 2 minutes, or warm in a lukewarm oven. Cool in your freezer, for a therapeutic temperature treatment. Often, alternating temperatures will alleviate the pain of bruise, sprain/strain or arthritis.


Lavender Comfort Pillow

For a comfy warm hug, heat this Lavender pillow in the microwave for 1-2 minutes, or cool in freezer, before applying to the eyes or a sore joint. Made with whole flax and millet seed, dried Lavender flowers, sewn into a pillow made with beautiful 100% cotton cloth, custom printed with lovely Lavender bundles.

Approximately 3.5 x 10 inches with information card $20 each out of stock



Lavender Crescent Pillow

For a lovely warm hug, heat this Lavender crescent pillow in the microwave for 1- 2 minutes before applying to your neck or knee or wrap around your sore joint. The lavender scent wafts through your senses to relax your mind while the warmth of the pillow unwinds those tense muscles. Made with whole flax and millet seed, dried Lavender flowers, sewn into a pillow made with beautiful 100% cotton cloth, custom printed with lovely Lavender bundles.

Approximately 11 X 11 inches with information card $35 each     Out of stock!


Rest your palms on this Lavender comfort pillow in front of your computer key board, and you will notice the lovely scent while you are working. Having a rough day? Squeeze the pillow and breathe the soothing lavender scent to unwind. Warm the pillow in the microwave for 1 minute or place it in the oven on very low heat. Excellent therapy for 'carpal tunnel' relief! Made with whole flax and millet seed, dried Lavender flowers, sewn into a pillow made with beautiful 100% cotton cloth, custom printed with lovely Lavender bundles.

Approximately 3.5 x 15 inches with information card $25 ea    Out of stock

Lavender Wrist Rest Pillow



Lavender Eye, Ear, Toothache Pillow

This sweet little round Lavender comfort pillow has so many possibilities! Heat it microwave for 1 minute, or cool in the freezer, before applying to sore eye, ear, toothache, wrist, knee, ankle, anywhere you want intense spot healing. I use one for a mouse pad cushion. Makes a lovely pin cushion. Made with whole flax and millet seed, dried Lavender flowers, sewn into a pillow made with beautiful 100% cotton cloth, custom printed with lovely Lavender bundles.

Approximately 4 inch round with information card $15 each     In stock now!


Lavender Hot Pot Pad

This lovely Hot Pot Pad is padded with natural cotton and stuffed with Lavender flowers. When you set a warm dish on it, the fragrance is released into the room.

Approximately 7 inch square with information card $15 each

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TO ORDER:   Email rivendell7@aol.com


Lavender Aromatherapy Candle

Beeswax Aromatherapy Candle  OUT OF STOCK

No petroleum wax or synthetic scents to pollute your air with hydrocarbons and cause allergy or sensitivity.

Special carved egg shape burns for 30 - 40 hours - 4" high

Lavender Candles come in a lavender organza cloth bag with info card $15.00 each  OUT OF STOCK

See below under CANDLES for additional candle scents

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 At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com

Lavender Soap

Enjoy the luxury of Fine soap hand made in the cold process method to keep the therapeutic ingredients viable.

Mild and healing for your skin
Scented with Pure Lavender Essential Oil
and enhanced with therapeutic oils
Lathers well and lasts a long time
Contains more glycerin and less chemicals than "store bought" soaps

4 ounce bar $5 each

(see general category Soap for photo of lavender soap)


Bath  Salts:

All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.

Treat yourself to a relaxing bath with my Stress Relief bath salt blend. This is a detoxifying formula for CELLULITE CONTROL, reduces lines and softens scars. Use 1/4 cup in your warm bath.

Purifying, diuretic baths, a diet of natural foods free of chemical preservatives and additives, aerobic exercise, dry-brushing, sauna and lymphatic massage can reduce your stress and help eliminate cellulite

Contains: Celtic Sea Salts, Epsom Salts, True Essential Oils of Rivendell Lavender, Pink Grapefruit,  Lemon, and Rivendell Incense Cedar.

1 lb hdp Plastic Jar $10 each




Brown Sugar and Salt Scrub:

Leaves the skin feeling pampered & so soft!
Rub onto your feet, legs, arms, face, back….wherever you want soft skin.
Rinse, pat dry, and hold that moisture to your skin with Rivendell Body Butter!

Contains:  Organic Brown sugar, Celtic Sea Salt, Epsom salt, Organic Jojoba oil, Rivendell Lavender and Rivendell Incense Cedar, Pink Grapefruit and Lemon essential oils

 4oz jar $5.00






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At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com

Lavender Lotion

All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only,

and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.










Light yet rich in natural emollients

Attracts and holds moisture

Reduces lines and softens scars

This lotion is a thirst quencher for dry skin. It penetrates quickly and provides nutritious balanced moisturizing to all skin types. Excellent for Massage.

Lavender Essential Oil is calming, healing and antiseptic.

Contains:  De-ionized water, Sunflower oil, Soybean oil, Emulsifying wax NF, Vegetale fatty acid, Shea butter, aloe leaf juice, Vitamin E, green tea extract, cetyl alcohol, Glycerin, Carbomer stabilizer, disodium edta amino acid, Germall + 0.2% to preserve freshness.  NO PETROLEUM OR SYNTHETICS

4oz HDP plastic bottle with pump $10         

8oz HDP PET plastic  bottle with pump $18

16oz HDP PET plastic  bottle with pump $25

NEW!~ 2 oz TRAVEL SIZE bottle, HDP plastic  $5.00

HDP = High Density Plastic.....very unreactive


TO ORDER:   Email rivendell7@aol.com


New Product: 


Pain Relief Lotion

Extra Strength formula

Inflammation, Muscular strain.

Aches and pains


Light yet rich in natural emollients

Attracts and holds moisture

Contains: De-ionized water, Sunflower & Soybean oils,

Essential oils of:  Rivendell Lavender, Frankincense,

Rivendell Helichrysum & Cannabis sativa,  

 Emulsifying wax, Vegetale fatty acid, Shea butter, aloe leaf juice,

 Vitamin E, Green tea extract, vegetale cetyl alcohol (emmolient),

 Glycerine, Carbomer stabilizer,  Caprilyl Glycol(from rapeseed)  

Paraben Free – Cruelty Free     Biodegradable

2 oz Travel Size $10.00

4 oz pump  $19.00

8 oz pump  $35.00

16 oz pump  $65.00




Body Butter


All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.

Lavender Body Butter

Soothing  Healing  Emollient

This lovely lavender scented body cream includes nourishing Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter, oils that help heal scars, blemishes and imperfections. Vitamin E and C, and Japanese Green Tea are antioxidant – resist free radicals.  The addition of Lavender Essential  Oil  is calming,  soothing,  healing  and  antiseptic.

Smooth on the body, hands, face, feet after your bath to hold moisture to the skin.  Rub on your feet just before bed or before you pull on your socks in the morning.

"One of the best things about our body butter is what it DOESN'T have.  No Petroleum constituents and no synthetic scents, both of which can be irritating, often causing allergic reactions and even linked to cancer."

Contains:   De-Ionized Water, Shea Butter, Cocoa Seed Butter, Lavender Essential Oil, palm kernel oil wax, Vegetale emulsifying wax, Coconut oil, Grapeseed Oil, vegetale glycerin, Japanese Green Tea Leaf Extract, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Allantoin extract from Comfrey plant which is healing and soothing, Optiphen (from Gum Benzoin )to prevent spoilage, Disodium EDTA (a salt used to stop minerals forming in product)

4 oz HDP plastic jar $10.00 ea

8 oz HDP plastic jar $18.00 ea

16 oz HDP plastic jar $25.00

HDP = High Density Plastic.....very unreactive




Rose Body Butter

The same base as Lavender Body Butter, scented with true Bulgarian Damask Rose Essential Absolute.  You have never experienced life until you have smelled this beautiful scent.  The essence of true Rose is an aphrodisiac and strengthener for men and women, a powerful neurotonic and is also inhaled for chronic bronchitis and asthma. Massage this lovely crème on your body after shower or just before bed. Rose also is a rejuvenating skin tonic used in beauty formulas for centuries. 

4 oz HDP plastic jar $12.00 ea

8 oz HDP plastic jar $20.00 ea

16 oz HDP plastic jar  $35.00

HDP = High Density Plastic.....very unreactive



TO ORDER:   Email rivendell7@aol.com






'PANACEA'   Body Butter

Same formula as our Lavender Body Butter enhanced with  a triad of our three organically grown and sensitively distilled essential oils:  Lavandin 'Grosso',  Sacred Incense Cedar, and Helichrysum italicum      blended in the perfect formula to take care of many problems you might have. 

1.     Ease topical pain, inflammation and muscular aches.  

2.     Protect from all manner of germs: Anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. This is the formula you want to have with you during a Pandemic

3.     Heal wounds, bruises, reduce scars and skin problems like acne or eczema.

4 oz hdp plastic jar $12.00 ea

8 oz hdp plastic jar $20.00 ea

16 oz hdp plastic jar  $30.00


HDP = High Density Plastic.....very unreactive





Skin Balm for MEN

I am finding that many MEN want high quality body products without toxic ingredients.

This Skin balm for MEN has the same basic formula as our Lavender Body Butter, but scented lightly with a "woodsy" blend of essential oils. Sage, Incense Cedar, Rosemary, Lavender, Clary sage, Bergamot  and White sage,   

1.     Ease topical pain, inflammation and muscular aches.  

2.     Protect from all manner of germs: Anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.

3.     Heal wounds, bruises, reduce scars and skin problems like acne or eczema.

4.     Moisturize and smooth rough skin.

4 oz HDP plastic jar $10.00 ea

8 oz  HDP plastic jar $18.00 ea

HDP = High Density Plastic.....very unreactive


TO ORDER:   Email rivendell7@aol.com

Rejuvenating Face Cream

Enjoy healing rejuvenating properties of my Cleopatra's Secret oil blend in a cream format.

Rejuvenating Face oil mixed with my Body butter and extra Hazelnut oil.

4 oz jar $19.00

8 oz jar $35.00

HDP = High Density Plastic.....very unreactive




 At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com

Lavender Shampoo

Lavender Shampoo

A unique all vegetale shampoo with Aloe vera, moisturizing glycerin, and vitamins A, C, D & E

Formulated to correct damaged hair and stimulate the scalp

Contains: De-ionized water, PEG 80 sorbitan lauride, cocomidopropyl betaine, sodium trideceth sulphate, vegetable glycerin, EG 150 Destearate, sodium Lauroamphoacetate, Aloe vera leaf juice, Chamomile flower extract, Lavender Essential Oil, Vitamins A, C, D, E, Iodopropynyl butylcarbamate, diazolidinyl urea, disodium EDTA




8 OZ bottle with snap top $10


 Shampoo for MEN (and woodsy kind o' gals)

Same base formula as the Lavender shampoo, but scented with a light 'woodsy' blend of our true essential oils. (Sage, Incense Cedar, Rosemary, Lavender, Clary sage, Bergamot  and White sage).  These oils give an added benefit: aiding Dandruff control.

8 OZ bottle with snap top $10




Universal Rivendell Blend Shampoo Soothe~Heal~Protect   “Good for all things”

Same formula as the Lavender shampoo with the addition of a triad of our three organically grown and sensitively distilled essential oils:  Lavandin 'Grosso',  Sacred Incense Cedar, and Helichrysum italicum;      Blended in the perfect formula to take care of many problems you might have.  Lavender soothes pain,  topical, inflammation and muscular aches.   Incense Cedar protects from all manner of germs: Anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal;   Helichrysum heals wounds, bruises, reduces scars and skin problems like acne or eczema.                  

 8 OZ bottle with snap top $10



Hair Conditioner


hair conditioner

Leaves hair light and bouncy

Great for dry, treated or environmentally damaged hair. Reconditions and adds shine,  body and fullness.


Designed to recondition and revitalize the look and texture of your hair with no flaky build up or residue...even when used daily.

Lavender for Life  Lavender can help relieve   Insomnia, Pain, Depression

De-ionized water, antistatic salt, vegetable glycerin, silicone emollient, castor oil, avocado oil, wheat protein,  antistatic salt,  steapyrium chlorideanti static,  hydroxyl ethyl cellulose emulsifier, cetyl alcohol thickener, stearyl alcoho emollient, ceteareth- 6emulsifier, lecithin, guar gumhydroxypropyltrimonium, lactic acid, EDTAstabilizer

8 OZ bottle with snap top $10

 TO ORDER:   Email rivendell7@aol.com


Lavender Deodorant

Vegetable Protein   Deodorant

Made with a vegetable protein which neutralizes the enzymes that cause odor to a simple salt. Free of aluminum or bactericides that have been a concern with long term use. This vegetable based deodorant is both effective and an alternative to those commercial products.

Contains: Glycerin, Deionized Water, Sodium Salt, Vegetable Protein, Castor Oil, Fatty acid emulsifier, Willow bark, Palm oil Chamomile Extract, Aloe Vera Juice, EDTA salt, Grapefruit Seed Extract Biocide    Scented with Rivendell Essential oils of Lavender/Immortelle, Pink Grapefruit and Rose abs.

3 oz  push-up tube  $10



At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com

Lavender & Mint Lip Balm

Lavender & Mint Lip Balm

Contains:  Beeswax, coconut oil, hemp seed oil,

 castor oil, olive oil,meadowfoam seed oil, shea butter,

Rivendell 'White Lavender', Spearmint and Peppermint essential oils, vitamin E

Lip Balm tube  $5 each



Lavender & Mint Lip Gloss

Contains:  Beeswax, coconut oil, hemp seed oil,

 castor oil, olive oil, meadowfoam seed oil, shea butter,

Rivendell 'White Lavender', Spearmint and Peppermint essential oils, vitamin E

I added some mineral color in a little Castor oil for a bit of color

Tube  $6 each































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Lavender Greeting Cards

Lavender Scented Greeting Cards Photos of Rivendell Lavender on a scented card.

Your card will send the message of lovely lavender scent. "Breathe the Lavender scent deeply. One feels a sense of well-being and joy." Soothing Lavender scent can reduce stress, depression and aid sleep. $3 each , Gift Pack - any six cards for $15

The cards are a cream color imprinted on the front with the following images of Rivendell farm:


"Lavender Field from the top"


'Provence Lavender Field'


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Lavender Wreaths Out of stock

Grace your home all year

Fragrant Lavender Wreath made with organically grown Lavender from our farm. Lay flat or decorate an interior wall out of sunlight and this wreath will give you months of peace, fragrance and beauty.

We can usually customize a wreath for you...use specific colors (Pink, lt pink, blue, lavender, purple, yellow), add more or less baby's breath, add lamb's ear. Just call for advice.

Made from lavender foliage, lavender flowers,

and some colorful statice

12 " wreath $45

with information cards

Made from lavender foliage,

lavender flowers,

and some colorful statice

15" wreath $55

with information cards



We also have Heart shaped wreaths with lavender foliage in 10" ($35) and 15" ($45) sizes.TO ORDER:   Email rivendell7@aol.com


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At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com

Lavender Honey

We now have our own True Lavender Honey, made by our happy bees which visited the organically grown lavender plants!

It is totally raw, not processed in any way, in fact you may find a little bit of honeycomb in the jar.

1 lb  jar $15

12 oz. Honey bear $12

2 0z. "Baby" honey bear: looks like the 12oz Honey Bear,   just 2 oz! $3


People constantly ask me at Farmer's market why the bees are dying..... 

We are covering the earth with concrete, asphalt,
and Rounduping* (yes that is a verb) all of the luscious weed  fields that are the
bees' food forage.  WE ARE STARVING THE BEES TO DEATH!  It's not only cel phones, or
pesticides;  it is a  combination of factors.  But we  have to stop it because
BEES = FOOD and if people don't wise up to this fact then we humans will soon be starving too.

*Roundup is an herbicide



Rivendell Aromatics

Wedding suggestions:

LAVENDER FLOWER SACHET  for favors: Organically grown lavender flower buds with an intense natural scent (dried)

v   3” X 5” organza bag with satin tie, $5 each      custom card* with bride and groom names and sentiment *Custom card set-up $25  .    lavender, purple or many colors possible, special order

v    Cute little HEARTS of lavender organza, 2 ½” $3.00 ea, --à

10 for $20     5 colors available: lavender, white ,ivory,, ruby . 


v   camisole sachet picFancy beaded sachets 4” diameter, of shimmery organza,  $7 each colors: lavender, purple, mauve pink, hot pink




v   Loose lavender flower sachet toss instead of rice  or  add to the flower girl’s basket,  ½ lb $15

v   Culinary buds Make Lavender lemonade, punch or ice-cream  $5 for .5 ounce tin



LAVENDER MIST Our Essential Oil of Lavender in a lovely cobalt blue mist bottle with distilled water.  Calming, Stress relief for the exciting day    1 oz  $5 volume discount available






LAVENDER CENTERPIECE A small lavender wreath can be a

beautiful and fragrant table centerpiece.  Add your candle or

vase in the center.  10” wreath $45.    

Scented bees wax candles,    Cobalt blue vases, different sizes priced according to size.


LAVENDER  BUNDLES   Organically grown lavender flowers a generous hand-full of the most scented lavender in the world, cut and bundled with a rubber band, ~100 to 150 stems per bundle

Lavender Sprig in each napkin

v  Dried bundles are available all year  $7 each,   3 for $20 

v  Fresh bundles, in season.  April - October   Call for availability    $5 ea


LAVENDER GIFTS   for bridesmaids, family, guests:  Handmade Soaps, Lavender Mist, Body products (bath salts, body butter, lavender hydrosol toner, shampoo, lotion), Candles of beeswax scented with essential oils, Lavender Honey, Rejuvenating Face oil, wreaths and sprays, Lavender Comfort Pillows, Twiggy heart wreaths,  White Sage bundles, Maya treasure basket filled with Lavender sachet. 

Visit our website to view our other aromatherapy products


Sandy Messori   rivendell7@aol.com     805 649-2476

TO ORDER:   Email rivendell7@aol.com



Pet Mist and Shampoo

"LOVE YOUR PET"  Soothing Pet Mist for all pets 

Soothes itchy skin: rub the fur backwards and spray on the skin. Give a nice gentle massage to help spread the mist on the skin and to give the pet positive encouragement about the misting process

 Helps prevent chewing: Spray on affected part (tail or paw or tummy). The mist soothes the itching and it doesn't taste good so the pet is less likely to continue chewing. Won't hurt the pet if they do ingest a little.

Ingredients: Distilled water, essential oils of Lavender, Rosewood, Rose Geranium, Carrot seed and Chamomile



KILLS EAR MITES!!! Just wipe the dead mites out of the ears





"LOVE YOUR PET"  Soothing Pet Shampoo  for all pets  

Soothes itchy skin and allergies with healing essential oils of Lavender, Rosewood, Rose Geranium, Carrot seed and Chamomile.    FLEA AND TICK REPELLANT

Most pet shampoos are too harsh for pets. This shampoo is very mild and the healing ingredients are natural essential oils - no petroleum products, harsh pesticides or synthetic scents which promote allergic reactions.

Contains: De-ionized water, Essential oils of Lavender , Rosewood, Rose Geranium , Carrot Seed Chamomile , PEG 80 sorbitan lauride, cocomidopropyl betaine, sodium trideceth sulphate, vegetable glycerine, EG 150 Destearate, sodium Lauroamphoacetate, Aloe vera  leaf juice, Chamomile flower extract, Vitamins A, C, D, E, Iodopropynyl butylcarbamate, diazolidinyl urea, disodium EDTA  NO PHOSPHATES 





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 TO ORDER:   Email rivendell7@aol.com

Rivendell Products:

All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only,

and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.

TO ORDER:   Email rivendell7@aol.com


Only the finest quality True Essential Oils distilled or naturally extracted from plants.

Rivendell ESSENTIAL OILS come in a 10ml, 30ml or 4 oz  Glass Dropper Bottle           *We have Miron Glass if you ask for it.

Dilution Rates:   1% dilution = 6 drops essential to 1 ounce carrier

3% dilution = 20 drops essential oil to 1 ounce carrier

5% dilution =  30 drops essential oil to 1 ounce carrier

10% dilution = 60 drops essential oil to 1 ounce carrier 

Oil: General Uses of the oil (aromatic or topical, not for ingestion)

Price each

 Amber Blend: blend of rich rare essential oils including Styrax (Benzoin), Sandalwood, Vanilla, Vetiver, Frankincense, Patchouli   AND Rivendell "White lavender" for that light powdery note,           Rich warm buttery essence which is relaxing and soothing,    aphrodisiac, skin rejuvenation, helps relieve respiratory issues such as asthma  

                                        10 ml Rollon 'perfume'  (Essential oil in Hazelnut carrier oil) $10.00   

 10 ml          15.00

Atlas Cedarwood: Cedrus atlantica, Morocco,  Respiratory aid, skin and hair care, detoxifying – especially cellulite, massage for edema    Balsamic, Sweet, Woody essence
1st Chakra - survival and support, Expansive, Grounding, Protective, Purifying

10 ml $7.00

30 ml 18.00

Basil, sweet: Ocimum basilicum, India  ORGANIC Warm comforting antidepressant used in blends for muscular pain (in low concentrations-irritating to the skin), in diffuser for respiratory problems, mental fatigue, anxiety, for colds and flu symptoms.  beautiful spicy addition to perfume   4th Chakra - unconditional love,   7th chakra - Balance, clarity, purifying   

10 ml $7.00

30 ml 18.00


Basil, Holy  TULSI: Ocimum sanctum, India  Expectorant,  Bronchitis, Antiseptic, Insect repellant    Stimulant: Use sparingly         Herbaceous, Slightly spicy, Warm fragrance        Anti-anxiety, Anti-depressant, Anti-infectious, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-spasmodic, Energizing, Rubefacient,  Stomachic, Warming Expectorant, Bronchitis, Antiseptic,
6th Chakra - perspective, Clarity, Expansive, Uplifting

  Pub Med : Ocimum sanctum Linn (known as Tulsi in Hindi), Sacred oil. India, have been recommended for the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, skin diseases, arthritis, painful eye diseases, chronic fever, insect bite etc. The Ocimum sanctum L. has also been suggested to possess antifertility, anticancer, antidiabetic, antifungal, antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, antiemetic, antispasmodic, analgesic, adaptogenic and diaphoretic actions.Expectorant, Bronchitis, Antiseptic, Stimulant-Use sparingly.
6th Chakra - perspective, Clarity, Expansive, Uplifting

10 ml $7.00

30 ml 18.00


Bay Laurel: Laurus nobilis: Our OWN! Organically grown, sensitively distilled, Spicy fragrance boosts immune system, historically gives courage and is reward for courage.   Can be irritating to very sensitive skin, use in diffuser.     Beneficial for lymphatic system, moves stuck energy, digestive support
Spicy sweet fruity camphorous pleasant fragrance, expectorant and immune system booster. Very powerful: Use sparingly in blends. May cause skin irritation.
Third eye chakra.

  Lovely hydrosol (AKA:  Hydrolat, flower water)  also available...4 oz mist bottle $15   Gingivitis. See information below under HYDROSOLS for more health characteristics

10 ml $10.00

Bergamot: : Citrus bergamia, Calabria Italy, Bergaptene-free vacuum distillation,: acne, cold sores, appetite loss, colds, flu, anxiety, depression   Uplifting Sedative, Massage for Colic and indigestion, In the bath for cystitis and UTI, "cold sores" on the mouth.
3rd chakra Solar Plexus Digestion and well being, relieve tension
7th chakra Crown chakra Release negative thoughts and emotions such as fear and guilt

10 ml $7.00

30 ml 18.00

Black Pepper: Piper nigrum, India- Spicy Woody essence, Warming oil good for circulation, muscular aches and pains, loss of appetite, nausea, colds and flu, lethargy and mental fatigue.   1st Chakra - survival and support, 2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, Grounding, Protective, Purifying      

10 ml $10.00

30 ml $25.00

Black Spruce: Picea mariana, Canada, Massage to ease aching joints of Arthritis, Asthma & Bronchitis,   Meditation for 'grounding'         Root (1st chakra) and heart (4th chakra).  It  assists us in working with our shadow side thus allowing a higher vibration to occur

10 ml $10.00

30 ml $25

Carrot Seed: Daucus carota, Hungary - Wrinkle and edema reduction, liver detox, stimulating massage, full of carotene/Vitamin A        Eczema, psoriasis & other skin irritations
Carrot Seed helps move energetic blocks, allowing for a free flow of energy and strengthening inner vision....help clear away mental stress and works on the 2nd 3rd , 4th, and 6th chakras.

10 ml $10.00

30 ml 25.00

Cedar, Incense : Calocedrus decurrens: Our OWN! Organically grown, sensitively distilled at Rivendell, According to Debbie Freund of Scents and Scentsibility, this is the oil you would want to have around in a "Pandemic" The presence of Limonene and Pinene in this oil makes it anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.  It can be used diluted down in massage blends for detoxifying, a drop in the bath for cellulite, lymphotonic.  Inhale for respiratory, one drop in glass of water to gargle for sore throat.   We feature this oil in our new Super Detox Bath Salts, Body Butter and Shampoo.      

Lovely hydrosol (AKA:  Hydrolat, flower water)  also available...4 oz mist bottle $15

10 ml $29.00

Cedarwood, Atlas : Cedrus atlantica, Morocco,  Respiratory aid, skin and hair care, detoxifying – especially cellulite, massage for edema  Balsamic, Slightly camphoraceous, Sweet, Woody essence     1st Chakra - survival and support, Expansive, Grounding, Protective, Purifying

10 ml $7.00

30 ml $18.00

Chamomile, BLUE: Matricaria chamomilla, Hungary:  Skin care, Pain relief, hormone balance      NEW Lower Price       Analgesic, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-spasmodic, Carminative, Cicatrisant, CNS tonic, Cooling, Emmenagogic, Sedative, Wound healing
Herbaceous, Strong, Sweet, Warm
4th Chakra - unconditional love, 5th Chakra - speaking truth, Balancing, Clarity, Grounding, Protective, Unconditional love

2 ml  $9

10 ml $29.00

30 ml $72.00

Chamomile, Roman, Anthemis nobilis England Calming, Uplifting  anti-inflammatory, Skin care, Pain relief                                                                                 


10 ml          16.00

30 ml   $44.00

Cilantro: Coriandrum sativum, Oregon  Inhale for stress, anxiety and insomnia. Add to massage blends for inflammation

OUT OF STOCK 10 ml $24.00


Cinnamon leaf: Cinamomum zeylanicum, Madagascar, Antidepressant uplifting scent, Antimicrobial, fumigant during infectious illness, CAN BE SKIN IRRITANT       Balsamic, Earthy, Exotic, Rich, Spicy, Warm fragrance      Analgesic, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-infectious, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-rheumatic, Anti-viral, Carminative, Energizing, Rubefacient, Warming    4th Chakra - unconditional love, Protective, Purifying

10 ml $7.00

30 ml $18.00

Citronelle: Cymbopogon nardus, Sri Lanka    Skin cleanser, gives shine to hair, insect repellant, inhalant for heart stimulation    Energizing, Stimulating, Uplifting, Repels insects.    Citrus, Fresh, Lemony, Sweet fragrance
Analgesic, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-rheumatic, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Astringent, Deodorant, Insect repellent, Sedative
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, Clarity, Protective, Uplifting

10 ml $7.00

30 ml 18.00

Clary Sage: Salvia sclarea, Our OWN! Organically grown, sensitively distilled at Rivendell  Balancing for hormone changes, skin regeneration, aphrodisiac     
Earthy, Floral, Fresh, Rich, Sensual, Strong, Sweet, Warm, Woody fragrance
Anti-anxiety, Anti-convulsant, Anti-depressant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Aphrodisiac, Astringent, Calming, Carminative, Cephalic, CNS tonic, Digestive tonic, Emmenagogic, Estrogenic, Hormone balancer, Hypotensive, Nervine, Sedative, Stomachic, Tonic, Uterine tonic
1st Chakra - survival and support, 2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 3rd Chakra - personal power, 6th Chakra - perspective, Balancing, Clarity, Expansive, Introspective, Protective, Purifying, Transformative, Unconditional love, Uplifting

10 ml $10.00

30 ml  $25.00

Clove Bud: Eugenia caryophyllata, Indonesia, Acne, Athlete's foot, digestive, flavor colds flu, asthma, arthritis    Slightly sweet, Spicy, Strong, Warm fragrance
Analgesic, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-infectious, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-rheumatic, Anti-viral, Carminative, Digestive stimulant, Disinfectant, Energizing, Insect repellent, Stimulant, Stomachic, Vermifuge, Warming
1st Chakra - survival and support, 2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, Purifying, Uplifting

10 ml $7.00

30 ml 18.00

Cocoa absolute: Theobroma cacao, USA,    The Essence of Chocolate!  Rich scent much loved, used in perfumery and flavoring  food.  Very powerful scent - one drop is enough to scent a room!    

Out of stock 10 ml $29.00

Cypress: Cupressus sempervirens, Spain    Safe gentle skin astringent, deodorant, warming soothing calming respiratory aid, especially asthma.
Balsamic, Fresh, Piney, Slightly citrus, Slightly sweet, Woody fragrance
Anti-bacterial, Anti-infectious, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-rheumatic, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Astringent, Decongestant, Diuretic, Vein tonic
4th Chakra - unconditional love, 6th Chakra - perspective, 7th

 10 ml $7.00


Don't Bug MeA blend of insect repellent essential oils in Jojoba oil base:  Eucalyptus, lavender, Clove, Rose Geranium & Peppermint


10 ml Roll-on $10

1 oz pump $15.00

Eucalyptus, Lemon: Eucalyptus citriodora: Our OWN! Organically grown, sensitively distilled at Rivendell, Respiratory aid, fungicide, laryngitis, dandruff control, gingivitis      Camphoraceous, Fresh, Lemony, Strong
Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Anti-septic
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 6th Chakra - perspective, Clarity, Energizing, Protective, Purifying

Lovely hydrosol (AKA:  Hydrolat, flower water)  also available...4 oz mist bottle $15   See information below under HYDROSOLS for health characteristics

out of stock10 ml $10.00

30 ml 25.00

Eucalyptus:   Eucalyptus globulus, Our OWN! Organically grown, sensitively distilled at Rivendell, Respiratory aid for the whole system, loosens phlegm in nasal passages through bronchus,  insect repellant, antiseptic, ANTI-VIRAL, skin care - Acne     Balsamic, Camphoraceous, Cool, Fresh, Slightly sweet, Soft fragrance
Anti-anxiety, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-infectious, Anti-rheumatic, Anti-viral, Decongestant, Diuretic, Expectorant, Febrifuge, Immune support, Mucolytic, Rubefacient
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 6th Chakra - perspective, Clarity, Energizing, Expansive, Uplifting

We have the lovely Eucalyptus hydrosol (AKA:  Hydrolat, flower water)  also available...4 oz mist bottle $15     See information below under HYDROSOLS for health characteristics



10 ml $10.00

30 ml $25.00

REJUVENATING FACE LIFT OIL: ‘Cleopatra’s Secret’ RICH blend of rare and powerful oils help your skin look and feel young:   rejuvenate, rehydrate, protect and heal your skin    For more information about this oil, ingredients, scroll down to the section on Rejuvenating face oil. 

 NOTE:  Now we have Rejuvenating Face CREAM.  4 oz jar $19.00    8oz jar $35.00


30 ml oz  $19.00  

4 oz refill   $62.00

Fennel, Sweet  California. Foeniculum vulgare  Our Own! Wild crafted and sensitively distilled at Rivendell. Digestive aid: Dilute 1:10 and massage on belly to relieve gas, reduce spasms; Respiratory aid for asthma, congestion and allergic reactions - breathe the scent; Gingivitis blends; Promotes lactation in new mothers (dilute 1:100 in mild oil and massage onto breast but avoid nipple), DO NOT use during pregnancy.    excellent smoky scent for perfumery..       Earthy, Exotic, Fresh, Pungent, Strong, Sweet fragranc.       Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Carminative, Circulatory stimulant, Depurative, Digestive stimulant, Digestive tonic, Diuretic, Emmenagogic, Estrogenic, Expectorant, Lymph decongest, Stomachic
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 3rd Chakra - personal power, Grounding, Introspective, Purifying

Lovely hydrosol (AKA:  Hydrolat, flower water)  also available...4 oz mist bottle $15     See information below under HYDROSOLS for health characteristics


10 ml $10.00

30 ml $25.00

Frankincense: Boswelia carterii, Somalia Uplifting, Protective (antiseptic), Spiritual healing, immune stimulant (anti-tumor), asthma. Sacred oil of many diverse spiritual entities        This is the most beautiful Frankincense from Somalia, hard to find because the farms are dwindling.       There are so many uses for Frankincense, I can't list them all here!   Do not be wary of the low price - I bought a large quantity so I got a great price for a very high quality Frankincense essential oil.
Balsamic, Earthy, Exotic, Fresh, Resinous, Rich, Slightly citrus, Slightly musky, Warm fragrance
Analgesic, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidant, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-viral, Immuno-stimulant, Sedative
1st Chakra - survival and support, 7th Chakra - higher information, Clarity, Expansive, Grounding, Introspective, Meditative, Protective, Purifying, Source Energy

                                      10 ml Rollon 'perfume'  (Essential oil in Hazelnut carrier oil) $10.00 

10 ml $14.00

30 ml $38.00

Fir, Balsam: Abies balsamea, Canada, Respiratory aid - Asthma, Cough, Bronchi;  Opening and Grounding Sedative,  Skin care for burns, cuts and hemorrhoids.    Balsamic, Coniferous, Fresh, Piney, Warm, Woody fragrance       Analgesic, Anti-anxiety, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic4th Chakra - unconditional love,
6th Chakra - perspective, Clarity, Expansive, Grounding, Meditative, Protective

10 ml $9.00

30 ml 24.00

Ginger, from Fresh root! (not dried): Zingiber officinale, Indonesia , Warming, digestive aid, massage for muscle aches, including arthritis, poor circulation, Inhale for coughs, congestion flu, travel sickness, nausea.   This new "Fresh root" oil smells delicious!     steam distilled fresh root
Exotic, Spicy, Warm fragrance        Analgesic, Anti-bacterial, Anti-emetic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Anti-oxidant, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-viral, Carminative, Hypotensive, Mucolytic, Tonic, Warming fragrance
1st Chakra - survival and support, 2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 3rd Chakra - personal power, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 5th Chakra - speaking truth, Balancing, Energizing, Protective, Purifying

10 ml $12.00

30 ml $32.00

Red Grapefruit ORGANIC : Citrus paradisii, cold pressed, California: Acne, congested oily skin, hair growth, cellulitis, flu, depression, headache, stress, appetite suppressant   Kids love this scent!         Organically grown, cold pressed from the peel.    Astringent, Bittersweeet, Citrus, Cool, Fresh, Fruity
Analgesic, Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidant, Astringent, Cooling, Decongestant, Diuretic, Immuno-stimulant, Lymph decongest, Tonic
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 6th Chakra - perspective, Clarity, Energizing, Purifying, Uplifting

10 ml $8.00

30 ml $20.00

Helichrysum: Helichrysum italicum, a.k.a Immortelle Our Own! Grown Organically and sensitively distilled at Rivendell   An amazing healing oil recommended for use on surgical wounds and needle insertion areas. This oil heals from the inside out. Also used to resolve old scar tissue, relieve arthritis pain (anti-inflammatory), anti-hematoma (heals bruises quickly); dilute 1:100 in water for mouthwash or in 'Waterpic' for healing and reversing the damage of Gingivitis. Astringent, Earthy, Fresh, Herbaceous, Rich, Slightly camphoraceous, Soft, Warm
Analgesic, Anti-allergenic, Anti-depressant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Calming, Cicatrisant, Tonic, Tonifying, Wound healing
1st Chakra - survival and support, 2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 6th Chakra - perspective, 7th Chakra - higher information, Clarity, Expansive, Protective, Purifying, Source Energy, Transformative, Unconditional love, Uplifting

See Detailed Helichrysum information in a window below.   1 ml $12,     2ml $19,      10 ml $68.00,     30 ml  $165       (My prices are lower than other sites on the internet. This is because we are the grower, the harvester, the distiller, bottler,  marketer and the seller.  We just eliminated 5 levels of middlemen.) Enjoy!

Our Helichrysum italicum has tested out in GC/MS with very similar components to the Fine Corsican-grown Helichrysum italicum, the preferred essential oil in the therapeutic Essential Oil field.


Perfumers description:  honey-like top notes, sweet, fruity nuances and a bitter, tea-like undertone. On inhaling the aroma, its effect is generally perceived as warming, energizing and grounding.

Healing and pain relief: Helichrysum  HYDROSOL also available...4 oz mist bottle $15   See information below under HYDROSOLS for health characteristics

1 ml $12.00 

 2ml $19.00

10 ml $68.00 

30 ml  $165.00

120 ml $650.00 




Incense Cedar: Calocedrus decurrens: Our OWN! Organically grown, sensitively distilled at Rivendell, Massage blends for cellulite, lymphotonic, inhale for respiratory, one drop in glass of water gargle for sore throat. This tree is sacred to Native Americans: the scent is used in ceremony to attract positive influences. 

 Lovely hydrosol (AKA:  flower water,   Hydrolat)  available...4 oz mist bottle $15

2 ml $9.00

10 ml $29.00

We have two different Jasmine oils:  

Jasmine absolute, Jasminum grandiflorum, India: Euphoric, hormone balance, to balance male/female, uterine tonic, depression, shock.     Exotic, Floral, Rich, Sensual, Soft, Sweet          Anti-anxiety, Anti-depressant, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Aphrodisiac, Calming, Sedative, Strengthening, Uterine tonic
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 6th Chakra - perspective, 7th Chakra - higher information, Expansive, Source Energy, Transformative, Unconditional love, Uplifting                       
 10 ml Rollon 'perfume'  (Essential oil in Hazelnut carrier oil) $10.00 


Jasmine Essential oil mist (true essential oil in distilled water):  4 oz cobalt blue glass bottle with fine mist pump $10

2 ml $20.00

10  ml $72.00

30 ml $196.00

 Jasmine SAMBAC absolute Jasminum Sambac India:  (Rare)  Spicy Fruity Jasmine fragrance, very popular with perfumers;  euphoric, uplifting, perfume topnote     Exotic, Floral, Rich, Spicy,Sensual, Soft, Sweet fragrance
Anti-anxiety, Anti-depressant, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Aphrodisiac, Calming, Sedative, Uterine tonic
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 6th Chakra - perspective, 7th Chakra - higher information, Expansive, Source Energy, Transformative, Unconditional love, Uplifting                               
 10 ml Rollon 'perfume'  (Essential oil in Hazelnut carrier oil) $10.00 


2 ml  $20.00

10 ml $69.00

Juniper Berry, Juniperus communis, India:  Expectorant, Antiseptic, calming, detoxifying, skin problems, lymph congestion (massage formulas),  Beautiful woody scent  will freshen and disinfect a stale room      Astringent, Balsamic, Coniferous, Fresh, Piney, Sweet, Warm, Woody fragrance
Anti-rheumatic, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Astringent, Carminative, Depurative, Diuretic, Rubefacient, Stimulant, Stomachic, Tonic
Expansive, Protective

10 ml $7.00

30 ml $18.00



Lavender - we have several Rivendell Lavender essential oils available:

(The designation Fine Lavender refers to the sweet scented varieties called Lavandula angustifolia or officinalis)

We grow our lavender  ORGANICALLY, harvest manually, distill sensitively - long, slow, low pressure, low temperature

We have several distillations of our Lavender oil as follows:

Fine Lavender Lavandula angustifolia ' Rivendell Estate Blend' 10 different varieties of our organically grown Lavandula angustifolia  distilled together: High sweet  notes, good for perfumery, emotional therapy and stress, settling down for meditation or sleep    2 ml $5.00   10ml~$10.00,    30 ml $ 25.00    4 oz $59.00,   16 oz $190                            10 ml Rollon 'perfume'  (Essential oil in Hazelnut carrier oil) $10.00 

Fine Lavender Lavandula angustifolia 'Buena Vista' High sweet fragrance, for perfumery and in aromatherapy as a calming sedative, pain relief, antiseptic, headache relief, heart tonic, depression, hysteria and panic, skin problems: 2 ml $5,    10ml~$15.00,     30 ml $36.00     4 oz $135.00   

Fine Lavender Lavandula angustifolia 'Alba' White Lavender  has a sweet heady first note with just a hint of butterscotch and a little snippet of camphor; excellent for perfumery and in aromatherapy as a calming sedative, pain relief, antiseptic, headache relief, heart tonic (physically and mentally), depression, hysteria and panic, skin problems:  2ml $11.00      10ml~$19.00,     30 ml $49.00

Lavender Lavandula angustifolia 'Vera' ,  Another beautiful Lavender oil used therapeutically for pain and respiratory issues.  2 ml $5.00   10ml~10.00,    30 ml $ 25.00
Lavandin, Lavandula intermedia 'Grosso' Used in aromatherapy for respiratory ailments, muscle pain, and circulatory distress; my oil tested out with a high level of linalool and linalyl acetate, the "high" notes so prized by aromatherapists for sedative and pain relief qualities.           Cold & flu prevention: Lavandula intermedia 'Grosso' properties. Michael Scholes, Lab of Flowers, wrote me that he was teaching a class in NYC when he felt himself coming down with flu. He took a long hot bath with my Lavandin and then went to bed and rubbed some on his chest. He woke the next morning without symptoms!  Debbie Freund, RN, teaches nurses how to use this oil to prevent infection and stimulate their immune system.   This  essential oil may help avoid and treat virus infections    2 ml $3,    10ml~$7.00,   30 ml $18.00,   4 oz $48,    8 oz $86,    16 oz $152

NOW AVAILABLE!  Lavender/Immortelle The idea for this oil came from a suggestion by John Steele to do a co-distillation of Helichrysum italicum and Lavender. We harvest our beautiful blue Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote' which produces an oil with a lovely sweet essence. Then we add to the same still  some of our first pick of the golden flowered Helichrysum italicum.   Distilling both herbs in the same still produces an oil with a lovely sexy lavender essence and an underground warm toasty honey after-note from the Heli.   John Steele describes this as a molecularly melded magical oil with a synergy of the healing properties of Helichrysum and the soothing properties of Lavender.     2ml $6     10ml~$22.00,    30 ml $52.00

Lovely hydrosols (AKA:  Hydrolat, flower water) also available from all of the lavender distillations...4 oz glass mist bottle $15,      1 liter (32 ounces) $65.00


see individual price listings with each lavender oil at left





Lemon: ORGANIC Citrus limon, Cold pressed, California, Refreshing clean scent, uplifting, reduces nightmares, antibacterial, antiseptic, memory, dissolves warts      Astringent, Bittersweeet, Cool, Fresh, Fruity, Lemony fragrance
Anti-anxiety, Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Anti-fungal, Anti-infectious, Anti-oxidant, Anti-rheumatic, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-viral, Astringent, Carminative, Diuretic, Immuno-stimulant, Liver supporter, Lymph decongest, Rubefacient, Tonifying
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 3rd Chakra - personal power, 6th Chakra - perspective

10 ml $8.00

30 ml $25.00

Lime: Citrus aurantifolia, California, Fresh fragrance used in massage therapy and body care products, perfumery   Astringent, Citrus, Cool, Fresh, Fruity, Slightly sweet fragrance
Anti-anxiety, Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Anti-infectious, Anti-oxidant, Anti-viral, Astringent, CNS tonic, Cooling, Digestive tonic, Diuretic, Immuno-stimulant, Lymph decongest, Lymphatic support, Tonic, Tonifying Caution can be photo-toxic
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 5th Chakra - speaking truth, Purifying, Uplifting

10 ml $7.00

30 ml $20.00



Lemon Eucalyptus : Eucalyptus citriodora: Our OWN! Organically grown, sensitively distilled at Rivendell, Respiratory aid, fungicide, laryngitis, dandruff

Lovely hydrosol (AKA:  Hydrolat, flower water) also available...4 oz mist bottle $15   See information below under HYDROSOLS for health characteristics

10 ml $10.00

30 ml $24.00



Lemon Geranium, Pelargonium citronellum 'Mabel Grey' Our Own! Grown Organically and sensitively distilled at Rivendell, Strong antibacterial, Fresh sweet citrus scent for perfumery.  

Lovely hydrosol (AKA:  Hydrolat, flower water) also available...4 oz mist bottle $15


2.5 ml r vial $12

Lemon Verbena-Essence de Verveine' : Aloysia triphylla Our Own! Grown organically and sensitively distilled at Rivendell

Lemon Verbena HYDROSOL also available 4 oz $15.00     16 oz $32


1 ml $10.00

2 ml $20.00

10 ml  $75.00

Litsea cubeba  ‘May Chang’ China:   Lemony scent reminiscent of Lemon Verbena, used in Perfumery, candles & soap.  Anti-viral, calming and anti-inflammatory      Astringent, Fresh, Lemony, Pungent, Slightly sweet, Strong fragrance
Analgesic, Anti-anxiety, Anti-bacterial, Anti-convulsant, Anti-depressant, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-viral, Insect repellent, Sedative
4th Chakra - unconditional love

10 ml $7.00

30 ml $18.00

Long Life Perfume-   to promote a long and healthy life. Pure essential oil blend: Patchouli, Bergamot, Jasmine, Neroli (Orange Blossom)

            10 ml Rollon 'perfume'  (Essential oil in Hazelnut carrier oil) $10.00 

10 ml $1200

30 ml  $35.00


Mandarin, Red, ORGANIC  Citrus reticulata Cold-pressed Camarillo,   Balancing, soothing, relaxing, Insomnia, Pain, Sleep Dyspnea; dilute in massage blend or distilled water mist.                     Astringent, Citrus, Cool, Fresh, Fruity, Sweet fragrance
Analgesic, Anti-anxiety, Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidant, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-viral, Carminative, CNS tonic, Digestive tonic, Expectorant, Immuno-stimulant, Sedative, Stomachic1st Chakra - survival and support, 2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 6th Chakra - perspective, Clarity, Purifying, Uplifting    



10 ml $10.00

30ml  $25.00


Mandarin, Green, ORGANIC  Citrus reticulata, California,   Uplifting, Relaxing, Sleep aid Anti-depressant, Hiccups, Dyspepsia     Citrus, Fresh, Fruity, Sweet fragrance
Anti-anxiety, Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Carminative, Digestive stimulant, Digestive tonic, Expectorant, Sedative, Stomachic
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 6th Chakra - perspective, Clarity, Expansive, Purifying, Uplifting


OUT OF STOCK 10 ml $12.00

30 ml  $30.00

Mental Clarity: A blend of pure essential oils for instant clarity of mind : Spearmint, Lemon Lavender &  Rosemary Oils;   For clearing the mind before a speech, an exam, any time you need to think clearly.  Kids love this scent!

Mental Clarity Essential oil mist - 4 oz cobalt blue glass bottle with fine mist pump $10

10 ml $7.00

30 ml  $18.00


Mugwort-Armoise, Artemisia vulgaris , Our Own! Wild crafted and sensitively distilled at Rivendell, An exciting new oil for us, called Armoise in France, used through the ages to induce "dreams of the future" and to investigate the psyche. Excellent in Perfumery. Our oil does not have the camphorous note, due to our terroire which is cool but sunny. This oil may stimulate the menses.

Lovely Mugwort hydrosol also available...4 oz mist bottle $15   See information below under HYDROSOLS for health characteristics

2 ml dropper vial $12.00

out of stock10 ml $29.00

30 ml$69.00


Myrrh: Commiphora myrrha, Somalia (THE BEST), Warming, asthma, wrinkles, arthritis, bronchitis, colds and flu, moderates thyroid actions, anaphrodisiac, inflammation   Balsamic, Earthy, Resinous, Rich, Slightly musky, Soft, Warm, Woody fragrance
Analgesic, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Astringent, Calming, Cicatrisant, Expectorant, Mucolytic
1st Chakra - survival and support, 2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 3rd Chakra - personal power, 5th Chakra - speaking truth, 7th Chakra - higher information, Grounding,  

10 ml $17.00

30 ml $42.00

Neroli: Citrus aurantium, Tunisia (Orange blossom), Joyously Uplifting, Antidepressant, Nerve tonic, excellent used in skin care especially for dry or sensitive skin; inhaled for grief, quietly soothing, calming and sedating, can moderate the stimulating effects of coffee (put a few drops of diluted Neroli water in your coffee) One drop of Neroli oil in a teaspoon of honey and add to a cup of marjoram tea is a good evening drink for sleep. Also indicated for cardiac spasm, chronic diarrhea and insomnia.      Exotic, Floral, Sensual, Slightly citrus, Sweet fragrance
Analgesic, Anti-anxiety, Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidant, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Aphrodisiac, Cicatrisant, Deodorant, Immune support, Nervine, Sedative, Tonic
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 6th Chakra - perspective, Balancing, Source Energy, Unconditional love, Uplifting

                  10 ml Rollon 'perfume'  (Essential oil in Hazelnut carrier oil) $10.00 


We distilled Ojai Orange Blossoms at Rivendell!    Orange Blossom Hydrosol  4oz mister $15.00

Neroli Essential oil mist - 4 oz cobalt blue glass bottle with fine mist pump $10

1 ml $15.00

2 ml dropper vial $20

10 ml $75.00

30 ml $220.00

Orange, Sweet, "5 fold": Citrus sinensis, Florida, Antidepressant, Antiseptic, calming, nerve sedative, Gives Courage, reduces worry,  freshening disinfectant used for household cleanser.   Kids love this scent!      Citrus, Fresh, Fruity, Sweet fagrance
Anti-anxiety, Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-viral, Carminative, Digestive stimulant, Digestive tonic, Disinfectant, Energizing, Liver supporter, Stomachic, Tonic, can be irritating to some sensitive skin.
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 6th Chakra - perspective, Clarity, Expansive, Uplifting

10 ml $7.00

Blood Orange: Citrus sanguinella, Sicily- Rich tangy scent used in perfumery, antidepressant, cardiac and circulatory tonic, skin care     2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 3rd Chakra - personal power, 6th Chakra - perspective, Balancing, Clarity, Energizing, Purifying, Uplifting

Out of stock 10 ml $7.00

Oregano, Wild: Origanum vulgare Hungary, wild crafted -Antiseptic, especially for VIRUS- flu/colds and upper respiratory, Kills almost all Bio-organisms, used in times of plague.  Exciting scent used in perfumery. Avoid during pregnancy.        Camphoraceous, Herbaceous, Medicinal, Pungent, Spicy, Strong fragrance
Analgesic, Anti-bacterial, Anti-infectious, Anti-septic, Anti-viral, CNS sedative, Energizing, Expectorant, Immune support, Stomachic, Warming
1st Chakra - survival and support, 2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 3rd Chakra - personal power, Grounding,

10 ml $10.00

30 ml $25.00

Palmarosa: Cympopogon motia, India Skin regeneration especially for oily or dehydrated skin, acne, bactericidal, cicatrisant (cell regeneration)  circulatory stimulant, febrifuge (reduces fever), therapy for bronchitis, antibiotic, Rich scent used in perfumery.     Cool, Floral, Fresh, Slightly citrus, Slightly sweet fragrance
Analgesic, Anti-anxiety, Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Anti-fungal, Anti-infectious, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-spasmodic, Calming, Cicatrisant, Cooling, Febrifuge, Immuno-stimulant, Tonifying
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 6th Chakra - perspective, Balancing, Expansive, Purifying, Source Energy, Uplifting

10 ml $7.00

30 ml $18




'Panacea' Universal Care Rivendell Blend: Soothe~Heal~Protect   “Good for all things”    A triad of our three organically grown and sensitively distilled essential oils:  Lavandin 'Grosso',  Sacred Incense Cedar , and Immortelle     blended in the perfect formula to take care of many problems you might have.  Soothe pain both topical and inflammation/muscular aches;  protect from all manner of germs: Anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal;      Heal wounds, bruises, reduces scars and skin problems like acne or eczema.       Detoxify your body by adding a couple of drops to the warm bath   or  put a few drops in your lotion (This formula is good for cellulite reduction).             Spiritual cleanser/helps to heal emotional scarring.    This  blend of essential oils may help avoid and treat virus infections

2 ml $6.00

10 ml $15.00

30 ml $40.00



Patchouli: Pogostemon cablan, Indonesia, Rejuvenates the skin and hair, scalp conditions, good for acne and eczema, itching, dermatitis, depression, nervous exhaustion, stress-related disorders,  aphrodisiac, low note in perfumery.       Earthy, Exotic, Musky, Resinous, Rich, Sensual, Slightly floral, Warm, Woody fragrance
Anti-anxiety, Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-septic, Calming, Cicatrisant, Cooling, Deodorant, Insect repellent, Sedative, Tonic, Wound healing
1st Chakra - survival and support, 2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 3rd Chakra - personal power, 7th Chakra - higher information, Clarity, Grounding, Introspective, Meditative, Protective, Source Energy

               10 ml Rollon 'perfume'  (Essential oil in Hazelnut carrier oil) $10.00 

10 ml $10.00

30 ml $25.00

Black Pepper: Piper nigrum, India- Warming oil good for circulation, muscular aches and pains, loss of appetite, nausea, colds and flu, lethargy and mental fatigue     Spicy Woody fragrance,    1st Chakra - survival and support, 2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, Grounding, Protective, Purifying

10 ml $10.00

30 ml $25.00

Peppermint: Mentha piperita, Yakima Washington USA, Headache, indigestion, nausea, asthma, bronchitis, neuralgia, antispasmodic    Cool, Fresh, Minty fragrance
Analgesic, Anti-depressant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Carminative, Cephalic, Cooling, Decongestant, Digestive stimulant, Expectorant, Febrifuge, Immuno-stimulant, Liver supporter
4th Chakra - unconditional love, 6th Chakra - perspective, Clarity, Energizing, Expansive, Protective, Purifying, Uplifting

10 ml $7.00

30 ml $18.00

Rose Absolute: Rosa damascena, Bulgaria: This is an excellent Rose I found from Bulgaria. Unites spiritual with physical, powerful aphrodisiac, excellent rejuvenation qualities for all skin (thread veins, eczema),  heart palpitations, respiratory ailments, nausea, irregular menstruation, excessive menstruation, depression insomnia, headache, PMS, nervous tension and other stress-related disorders, Perfumery        Heart Chakra

            10 ml Rollon 'perfume'  (Essential oil in Hazelnut carrier oil) $10.00 

 It requires 1,400,000 handpicked blossoms to produce a liter of oil. A single ounce rose oil contains the essence of 40,000 blossoms, and sixty-seven blossoms give only one drop. As you savor the exquisite aroma, give thanks to all the beings who have labored to bring this alchemical aromatic into your possession.
Rose oil has been used for thousands of years as an aphrodisiac, and hence the legend as being the symbol of love in the world of flowers.
A drop applied to the heart, throat, or third eye centers deepens any meditation, especially those contemplations that develop love and compassion

Rose Essential oil mist - our wonderful Rose oil in distilled water...4 oz cobalt blue glass bottle with fine mist pump $10

2 ml dropper vial $22.00

10 ml $69.00

30 ml  $187.00


Rose Geranium: Pelargonium graveeolens roseum, Organically grown and sensitively distilled at Rivendell Skin Care (most skin types: antiseptic, astringent, cell regeneration burns, eczema, headlice, ringworm) , Neuralgia, cellulite, hemorrhoids, poor circulation, engorgement of the breasts, menopausal problems, PMS, nervous tension, Stress-related disorders, Antidepressant.      

10 ml $10.00

30 ml $25.00

Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis Organically grown and sensitively distilled at Rivendell   Our Rosemary has a clean camphor scent with a buttery undertone - very pleasing!    Energizing, memory stimulant, Hair care: oily scalp, dandruff, promote growth of healthy hair,  headlice, Acne, Insect repellant, Respiratory ailments, Muscular aches and pains, Arthritis, Poor circulation, painful menstruation, antibacterial and anti-VIRAL - for colds and flu prevention, headaches and mental fatigue, depression, stress related disorders     Camphoraceous, Fresh, Herbaceous, Medicinal, Strong, Warm fragrance.
Analgesic, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Anti-oxidant, Anti-rheumatic, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-tussive, Anti-viral, Astringent, Cephalic, Decongestant, Digestive tonic, Diuretic, Expectorant, Mucolytic, Stimulant, Warming
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 5th Chakra - speaking truth, 6th Chakra - perspective, Balancing, Clarity, Energizing, Expansive, Grounding, Protective, Purifying, Transformative, Uplifting

HYDROSOL mental and physical stimulant, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, skin toner, scalp health and shiny hair 4oz $15.00  IN STOCK

10 ml $10.00

30 ml $25.00



Rosemary "cineole" : Rosmarinus officinalis Hungary, Energizing, memory stimulant, Acne, Hair care: oily scalp, dandruff, promote growth of healthy hair,  headlice, Insect repellant, Respiratory ailments, Muscular aches and pains, Arthritis, Poor circulation, painful menstruation, antibacterial and anti-VIRAL - for colds and flu prevention, headaches and mental fatigue, depression, stress related disorders.           Camphoraceous, Fresh, Herbaceous, Medicinal, Strong, Warm fragrance.
Analgesic, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Anti-oxidant, Anti-rheumatic, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-tussive, Anti-viral, Astringent, Cephalic, Decongestant, Digestive tonic, Diuretic, Expectorant, Mucolytic, Stimulant, Warming
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 5th Chakra - speaking truth, 6th Chakra - perspective, Balancing, Clarity, Energizing, Expansive, Grounding, Protective, Purifying, Transformative, Uplifting

10 ml $7.00

Rosewood-Bois de Rose: Aniba rosaeodora - Brazil  This oil is reportedly from farmed Rosewood trees and not from ravished forests in Brazil.  Skin care, especially for acne and sores,  Antiseptic, Sedative, Immune system, stress-relief, Flavoring, Perfumery.            Deeply sedative, emotionally healing, fights infection and offers immune support.            Fresh, Slightly floral, Slightly sweet, Soft, Warm, Woody fragrance
Analgesic, Anti-anxiety, Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Calming, Cephalic, Cicatrisant, CNS tonic, Immune support, Nervine, Sedative, Tonic
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 6th Chakra - perspective, Balancing, Expansive, Introspective, Meditative, Protective, Purifying, Source Energy, Transformative, Unconditional love, Uplifting



10 ml $15.00

30 ml $35

Sage, Dalmatian: Salvia officinalis Ukraine, Cleansing mentally and physically, antiviral, antifungal, PMS, circulation, CAN BE IRRITATING TO THE SKIN       Effective against pathogenic organisms, strong mucolytic, skin healing, strengthening.
Earthy, Fresh, Herbaceous, Medicinal, Pungent, Slightly camphoraceous, Slightly spicy, Slightly sweet, Strong, Warm fragrance
Anti-microbial, Anti-viral, Carminative, Digestive tonic, Emmenagogic, Estrogenic, Expectorant, Immune support, Mucolytic, Wound healing2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 3rd Chakra - personal power, 7th Chakra - higher information, Clarity, Energizing, Expansive, Meditative, Protective, Purifying, Transformative

10 ml $7.00

Sandalwood: Santalum album Mysore India Skin care all types: Acne, eczema, cracked and chapped skin; respiratory ailments, laryngitis, nausea, insomnia, nervous tension, stress-related disorders, anger, depression, headache, PMS, menopause, sedative.        Balsamic, Cool, Earthy, Rich, Sweet, Warm, Woody fragrance
Anti-anxiety, Anti-depressant, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-viral, Astringent, Calming, CNS sedative, CNS tonic, Cooling, Deodorant2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 6th Chakra - perspective, 7th Chakra - higher information, Clarity, Grounding, Introspective, Protective, Uplifting 

                10 ml Rollon 'perfume'  (Essential oil in Hazelnut carrier oil) $10.00 

2 ml dropper vial $14

10 ml $59.00

30 ml  $145.00

Spearmint: Mentha spicata, Oregon, JOYFUL! , stress, respiratory anti-inflammatory, memory, cleansing.   Kids love this scent!        Cool, Fresh, Minty, Strong fragrance
Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-septic, calming, relaxing and uplifting
Anti-asthmatic, Anti-emetic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-septic, Astringent, Carminative, Cephalic, Cooling, Decongestant, Digestive stimulant, Digestive tonic, Diuretic, Energizing, Expectorant, Febrifuge, Nervine, Stimulant, Stomachic, Tonic4th Chakra - unconditional love, 5th Chakra - speaking truth, 6th Chakra - perspective

10 ml $7.00

30 ml $18.00

Spikenard, Red: Nardostachys grandiflorum, India , Ancient aromatic mentioned many times in the Bible. Skin rejuvenation and inflammation, stress, tension, migraine, insomnia, nervous indigestion and nausea, perfumery, (with Vetiver, rub on lower back for allergic reactions)            Aids insomnia, anxiety, busy mind. Anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, insect repellant.           Earthy, Exotic, Musky, Resinous, Rich, Sensual, Warm, Woody fragrance
Anti-anxiety, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-spasmodic, Calming, CNS tonic, Insect repellent, Sedative
1st Chakra - survival and support, 2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 3rd Chakra - personal power, 6th Chakra - perspective, 7th Chakra - higher information, Grounding, Introspective, Meditative, Source Energy, Transformative

10 ml $14.00

30 ml $39.00

Thieves: Historic blend: Lavender, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Lemon & Clove + Rosemary,  Cleansing Agent,  Antiseptic,  Ant repellant      This  blend of essential oils may help protect from virus infections  such as Ebola     

"The essential oils of cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, rosemary and lemon were tested at Weber State University (Utah) and found to have a 99.96 percent kill rate against airborne bacteria." Gary Young 

 10 ml $8.00

30 ml $20.00

4 oz $80.00

Tea Tree: Melaleuca alternifolia  Rivendell, Our Own!  Organically grown and sensitively distilled at Rivendell   Powerful immune system stimulant,  healing antibiotic, colds/flu, sinus and bronchial congestion, Acne, Athlete's foot, abscesses, cold sores, dandruff, ringworm, warts, burns, wounds, insect bites and stings, thrush, cystitis (sitz bath).             Treats most all bacterial infections, anti-microbial and anti-fungal
Camphoraceous, Fresh, Medicinal, Warm fragrance
Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-infectious, Anti-microbial, Anti-septic, Anti-viral, Decongestant, Disinfectant, Immune support, Immuno-stimulant
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 3rd Chakra - personal power, Balancing, Clarity, Protective, Purifying

10 ml $10.00

30 ml $25.00

Tulsi  "Holy Basil"

Ocimum sanctum, India  Expectorant,  Bronchitis, Antiseptic, Insect repellant    Stimulant: Use sparingly         Herbaceous, Slightly spicy, Warm fragrance        Anti-anxiety, Anti-depressant, Anti-infectious, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-spasmodic, Energizing, Rubefacient,  Stomachic, Warming Expectorant, Bronchitis, Antiseptic,
6th Chakra - perspective, Clarity, Expansive, Uplifting

  Pub Med : Ocimum sanctum Linn (known as Tulsi in Hindi), Sacred oil. India, have been recommended for the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, skin diseases, arthritis, painful eye diseases, chronic fever, insect bite etc. The Ocimum sanctum L. has also been suggested to possess antifertility, anticancer, antidiabetic, antifungal, antimicrobial, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, antiemetic, antispasmodic, analgesic, adaptogenic and diaphoretic actions.Expectorant, Bronchitis, Antiseptic, Stimulant-Use sparingly.
6th Chakra - perspective, Clarity, Expansive, Uplifting

10 ml $7.00

30 ml $20.00

Turmeric  Curcuma longa India  Warming Energy Flow,   Expectorant,  Antiseptic, Insect repellant, Digestive aid, Massage blend with Frankincense for anti-inflammatory and pain relief , especially arhtritis and joint problems,  Muscle pain.

10 ml $7.00

30 ml $20.00

Valerian Root Valeriana Wallaichii x Valeriana Jatmansi, Nepal  Insomnia, nervous indigestion, migraine, restlessness and tension; dilute in massage blend or distilled water    
Balsamic, Bitter, Bittersweeet, Earthy, Exotic, Herbaceous, Musky, Pungent, Resinous, Rich, Strong, Warm fragrance
Anti-bacterial, Anti-spasmodic, Carminative, Cicatrisant, CNS depressant, Digestive stimulant, Diuretic, Hypotensive, Sedative, Stomachic, Wound healing
1st Chakra - survival and support, 2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 6th Chakra - perspective, 7th Chakra - higher information, Grounding, Introspective, Meditative
Valerian assists with self-purification, developing self love and eradicating guilt and negative self talk. It helps to find the positive in negative situations. It is sedating, calming & grounding. Personally, to me, it feels like it helps you to gain access to the deeper, inaccessible places in your psyche.

10 ml $16.00

30 ml $42.00

Vetiver: Vetiveria zizanioides, Indonesia, Skin Care: (oily) acne, Arthritis, Muscular achs and pains, poor circulation, insomnia, light-headedness, (a good 'grounding essence), PMS, nervous exhaustion and stress-related ailments, Relaxing, rich, earthy, somewhat smoky scent used in perfumery as a low note      Known to be anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, deodorant, aids circulation.         Balsamic, Earthy, Exotic, Musky, Rich, Sensual, Warm, Woody fragrance
Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Anti-fungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-septic, Circulatory stimulant, Deodorant, Immune support, Immuno-stimulant, Nervine, Sedative, Strengthening, Tonic, Vein tonic
1st Chakra - survival and support, 2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 3rd Chakra - personal power, Grounding, Meditative

10 ml $16.00

30 ml $38.00

White Sage: Salvia apiana Our Own!  Organically grown and sensitively distilled at Rivendell Powerful energy herb used for Spiritual cleansing and healing.         Clearing energy and blessing space.
Astringent, Earthy, Fresh, Herbaceous, Pungent, Rich, Slightly spicy, Strong, Warm, Woody fragrance
Anti-bacterial, Anti-infectious, Anti-microbial, Anti-septic, Anti-viral, Decongestant, Energizing, Expectorant, Mucolytic, Stimulant2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 5th Chakra - speaking truth, 6th Chakra - perspective, Clarity, Energizing, Expansive, Grounding, Introspective, Meditative, Protective, Purifying, Transformative

ESSENTIAL OIL - Aromatic version of the plant. Used for intense spiritual cleansing of your body or energy tools such as crystals; strong antiseptic for wounds or surface infections.

White Sage Flower: Salvia apiana Our OWN! Organically grown, sensitively distilled,   Powerful spiritual cleanser and physical antibiotic.


Lovely White Sage HYDROSOL  (AKA:  Hydrolat, flower water)  also available...4 oz mist bottle $15   Clears vibrational field and crystals. Highly anti-viral, for preventing virus  breathe in through the nose and mouth...I even gargle with the hydrosol.  4 oz mister $15,  16 oz $49,     1 gallon $284


2 ml $10.00

10 ml $24.00

30 ml $65.00



Wintergreen, Gaultheria procumbens, ChinaTOPICAL anti-inflammatory pain relief in dilute form. NOT FOR INTERNAL USE      Pain relief - it is essentially liquid aspirin similar to Birch.            Cool, Fresh, Minty, Slightly camphoraceous, Slightly sweet, Strong fragranceAnalgesic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-rheumatic, Cooling, Energizing, Warming
1st Chakra - survival and support, 5th Chakra - speaking truth, Energizing, Expansive, Purifying, Uplifting

10 ml      $7.00

30 ml $18.00

Ylang Ylang ' EXTRA' ("first off" in the distillation process): Cananga odorata genuina, Madagascar,  Aphrodisiac for men & women, euphoric, anti-depressant, emotional stress, nervous tension, stress-related disorders, ALL skin conditions, bites & stings           Relaxing Exciting Aphrodesiac
Exotic, Floral, Rich, Sensual, Strong, Sweet fragrance
Analgesic, Anti-anxiety, Anti-depressant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-septic, Aphrodisiac, Cooling, Hypotensive, Nervine, Sedative, Tonic
2nd Chakra - relationships, creation energy, 4th Chakra - unconditional love, 7th Chakra - higher information, Balancing, Meditative, Unconditional love, Uplifting

                10 ml Rollon 'perfume'  (Essential oil in Hazelnut carrier oil) $10.00 

2 ml dropper vial $6

10 ml $14.00

30 ml $34.00


*Oils may be sold in Violet glass bottles to better preserve the energy of the precious oils.





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 At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com


the 'flower water' from steam distillation

All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only,

and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.


"Water Solution" is the Latin translation of the word, but in aromatherapy a hydrosol is the molecular melding of the essence of a plant or aromatic substance with the water that is used to distill the essential oils from the plant material. Our hydrosols are produced during steam distillation and are never diluted before sale. Our distillations are done in a long slow process with very low pressure system. We use only organically grown plant material with the intention that the hydrosols will be used therapeutically. Enjoy!

 All Organically grown and sensitively distilled by Rivendell Aromatics:

(the flower water from distillation) Helichrysum Hydrosol is a healing product used for reduction of swelling and inflammation around surgical incisions, cuts, bruises, skin eruptions, rosacea, acne, age spots. Spray daily on aching arthritis areas. This hydrosol also reduces gingivitis if used morning and evening as mouthwash. We put the diluted hydrosol in the 'Waterpic' each evening and we have stopped the progress of the gum disease and reduced our "pockets" around the teeth Dentist reports they are shrinking. See special information box below for more information about Helichrysum.   1 oz is $7.00,     4oz mist bottle is $15.00,       8 oz  $25.00,           16 oz is$45.00,     

GUM REPAIR HYDROSOL BLEND   Immortelle (Helichrysum italicum) and  Bay hydrosol (Laurus nobilis) Healing action of Immortelle and the antiseptic qualities of Bay are blended to make a perfect mouthwash and excellent addition to your 'Water-Pic' gum cleaner device.   16 oz $35.00

INCENSE CEDAR HYDROSOL:  Calocedrus decurrens, Mist on the skin to detoxify for Cellulite, Breath mist to soothe respiratory problem , SPIRITUAL CLEANSER ATTRACTS POSITIVE INFLUENCES"   4 oz $15....16 oz $32

LAVENDER HYDROSOL: Lavandula sp. We use the hydrosol in this way: Face: hydrates the skin and antiseptic Respiratory: breathe mist to soothe respiratory infections or irritations  Skin: soothes itches, bites, Rosacea, acne, rash, dry skin, irritations and burns-Pets: soothes 'hot spots' or irritations, calming, repels fleas   Linen water: aids sleep   Car, Office, Airplane: cleanse air and surfaces      4oz  $15.00,..... 16 oz  $25,..... 32 oz s $45,..... 1 gallon  $150

LAVENDER/IMMORTELLE HYDROSOL: Lavandula angustifolia  distilled in the same still with Helichrysum italicum. John Steele, of Lifetree Aromatix originally asked for this distillation from us. John describes it as "two essences molecularly melded in the still",  magical,  with a synergy of the healing properties of Helichrysum and the soothing properties of Lavender.   We use the hydrosol in this way: Face: hydrates the skin and, antiseptic and healing for all skin eruptions Respiratory: breathe mist to soothe respiratory infections or irritations  Skin: soothes itches, bites, Rosacea, acne, rash, dry skin, irritations and burns   Pets: soothes 'hot spots' or irritations, calming an agitated or excited pet, repels fleas   Linen water: aids sleep   Car, Office, Airplane: cleanse air and surfaces      4oz  $15.00,..... 16 oz  $25.00,..... 32 oz $45.00,..... 1 gallon  $175.00

EUCALYPTUS HYDROSOL Eucalyptus globulus, Our OWN! Organically grown, sensitively distilled at Rivendell, Respiratory aid for the whole system, loosens phlegm in nasal passages through bronchus,  insect repellant, antiseptic, ANTI-VIRAL, skin care - Acne      4 oz  $15.00,..... 16 oz  $48.00  OUT OF STOCK

LEMON EUCALYPTUS HYDROSOL Eucalyptus citriodora:   Mmmm Luscious Scent! Antiseptic: Fungicide, Respiratory: soothes asthma, laryngitis,  Insect Repellant, Dandruff: rinse scalp after shampoo       4 oz  $15.00,..... 16 oz  $48.00  OUT OF STOCK


LEMON VERBENA HYDROSOL Aloysia triphylla: We use the hydrosol in this way: Stress: Powerful mental relaxant, sedative to nervous sys., helps jitters, fear (stage fright), boost self-esteem confidence. Tonic: stimulates endocrine and immune systems. Mouthwash: to prevent colds. Relieves PMS including cramps. Digestive: aids digestion and slight appetite stimulant. Anti-inflammatory: reduce swelling of mucus membranes of mouth and nose. Compress after dental surgery. Use with Helichrysum if there is bleeding. Snuff a little into nostril during cold/flu season in winter or when it's dry. Skin: pH close to skin, use to clarify and refine skin texture. With Lavender makes a wonderful conditioning aftershave. Used in Vibrational Healing Techniques   OUT OF STOCK

BAY LAUREL HYDROSOL Laurus nobilis: Antiseptic: Combine with Helichrysum in mouthwash for gingivitis; Boost immune system. Mist to help prevent viral colds and flu and tonsillitis; Perfumery: spicy fragrance      4 oz  $15, .....16 oz is $68

FENNEL, WILD CRAFTED CALIFORNIA : Foeniculum vulgare: We use the hydrosol in this way: Digestive: relieves gas, and bloating. Reduces spasms and soothes non-specific stomachaches. Respiratory: For some people it is a powerful decongestant and expectorant for allergy sufferers, smokers and bronchitis. Promotes lactation in new mothers after the birth, but do not use this hydrosol during pregnancy. Help stimulate bowel movement in new baby - put a little on a tissue and let the baby smell it… do not spray on the baby. Can help relieve 'colic'.     OUT OF STOCK

MUGWORT: Artemisia vulgaris: (Armoise) OR Artemisia t Wild crafted California. We use the hydrosol in this way: TICKET TO DREAMLAND; this hydrosol misted on your pillow before sleep will bring on the most vivid dreams you have ever experienced. It did for me! Beware, you may not get much rest. "Powerful tool to investigate the Psyche" according to Jeanne Rose.…May stimulate menses. DO NOT USE WHEN PREGNANT NOR WITH BABIES/YOUNG CHILDREN.  4 oz $15, ....16 oz $45   OUT OF STOCK

ROSE GERANIUM: Pelargonium roseum, Anti-depressant, skin toner with cell regeneration.  Anti inflammatory and cooling to calm sunburn, rash, insect bites and any topical condition where heat is present.  Also eases redness from broken capillaries, rosacea, healing scabs.  The feel-good hydrosol, balancing energy and easing tired feet and legs.  4 oz $15,..... 16 oz $48....., 32 oz $68

ROSEMARY HYDROSOL: Rosmarinus officinalis: We use the hydrosol in this way: Stimulant: Powerful mental and physical stimulant; good coffee substitute and reduces hunger during a fast or diet. Tonic: stimulates digestion of rich and fatty foods; Mild diuretic: aids during detoxification especially combined with sage. Anti-oxidant: Higher ratings than witch hazel for overall antioxidant. Anti-inflammatory: Topical compresses for arthritis and gout. Allergy: helps with tight chest and breathing difficulties. Skin: Toner for normal to oily skin, promotes healthy shiny hair and scalp; combined with cedar, it can deter mild hair loss (rub into scalp). Avoid with High Blood Pressure & Pregnancy.  4 oz $15,..... 16 oz $48....., 32 oz $68

TEA TREE HYDROSOL Melaleuca alternifoliaAntimicrobial Wash for fungal or bacterial infection on skin or scalp.  Surface Cleanser, Air Sanitizer.   Powerful immune system stimulant,  healing antibiotic, colds/flu, sinus and bronchial congestion, Acne, Athlete's foot, abscesses, cold sores, dandruff, ringworm, warts, burns, wounds, insect bites and stings, thrush, cystitis (sitz bath)  4 oz  $15, .....16 oz is $68

WHITE SAGE HYDROSOL: Salvia apiana. We use the hydrosol in this way: Powerful spiritual cleanser Mist the air to cleanse of negative energies. Cleanse crystals and healing tools. Prevent or soothe flu and colds: Gargle or mist throat if you feel compromised - scratchy or sore throat. Breathe the mist as an expectorant for bronchial and sinus infections; Wash infected wounds; Rinse hair to condition & cleanse. 1 oz is $7.00...........4 oz $15,......16 oz $48,...... 32 oz $68



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At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com 


used as carriers for massage oils, bath oils and oil based perfumes:

Healing Vegetale oils   




Calendula Oil: wild Calendula flowers, which grow here at Rivendell, sun-infused in mild Hazelnut Oil. It is useful for a wide range of skin problems including: chapped, cracked or rough skin, diaper rash, varicose veins, scars inflammation of the nipples. Also used for enlarged or inflamed lymph nodes, sebaceous cysts and inflammatory skin lesions.   NOTE: Calendula oil is recommended for radiation burn.  Apply often before treatment to soften skin and then several times a day after radiation treatment.

4 oz $15.00



Grapeseed: fine textured oil that is nourishing for all skin types and is much used in massage and skin care products

 4 oz $6.00

Hazelnut Oil, wonderful moisturizer in creams, lip balms and soap, since it is absorbed easily by the skin, which helps to carry the essential oils into the body . It is one of the most highly unsaturated vegetable oils - it doesn't oxidize quickly, keeping it from going 'bad'.

4 oz $6.00

Jojoba Oil, Golden  Cold pressed ,Organic: Actually a liquid wax, the greaseless lubrication of jojoba oil makes it a great humectant (holds natural moisture to the skin while attracting external moisture). Jojoba helps our skin maintain normal functions and allow the skin a chance to repair and rebalance. Excellent addition to your massage oil or soaps.  Natural Perfumery carrier oil.

4 oz  $15.00

16 oz $55.00



Orange Blossom Oil: Citrus sinensis flowers, sun infused in Hazelnut oil, here at Rivendell: Uses: Emotional: Massage to calm stress, Sedative to the central nervous system. Good for calming hysterics and sudden shock. Effective for ADHD. Physical: Massage on the abdomen to calm cramps, constipation, gas, 'heartburn', reflux. Skin: good for delicate sensitive oily skin; soothes acne and irritations. Use in face masks with honey.   [Hazelnut is the most unsaturated vegetale oil - so it has small molecules which are absorbed by the skin easily and it doesn't oxidize (go bad)]


4 oz. $15.00



Rosehip Seed Oil, Rosa rubiginosa Wildcrafted, cold press: Rose hip seed Oil is a rich source of essential fatty acids, which inhibit bacterial growth and encourage production of antibodies; also the fatty acids combine with protein to build membranes which link cells to one another - slows aging. Eases inflammation, itching and scaling.    Uses: Promotes tissue regeneration - Reduces Scarring, fades old scars, heals burns, reduces lines and wrinkles on the skin. 

4 oz $20.00


St Johnswort infused Oil: We infused the bright yellow flowers of the St. Johnswort in Hazelnut Oil and in the process the oil turns a bright red color.  This oil is excellent for a massage oil to relieve pain and swelling of bruises and over-used muscles.

out of stock 4 oz $15.00

Lavender Massage oil  Relaxing and Soothing    Our Rivendell fine lavender essential oil diluted in rich Jojoba and Hazelnut oils for a wonderful restful massage



4 oz $10.00

8 oz $19.00


Pain Relief Massage Oil Extra Strength formula for Inflammation, Muscular strain, Aches and pains   Light yet rich in natural emollients, Attracts and holds moisture

Contains: Organic Jojoba Oil and Hazelnut oil,  Essential oils of:  Rivendell Fine Lavender, Frankincense,  Rivendell Helichrysum italicum & Cannabis sativa,   Emulsifying wax, Vegetale fatty acid, Shea butter, aloe leaf juice,  Vitamin E, Green tea extract, vegetale cetyl alcohol (emmolient),  Glycerine, Carbomer stabilizer,  Caprilyl Glycol(from rapeseed)   Paraben Free – Cruelty Free

4 oz $19.00

8 oz $35.00 


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All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only,

and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.


Helichrysum information

Helichrysum italicum (angustifolia) aka Immortelle, Everlasting

Grown organically and sensitively distilled at Rivendell

Helichrysum italicum (angustifolia) Also known as Immortelle or Everlasting
Grown organically at Rivendell, distilled in a sensitive, low pressure and low temperature distillation.

We produce two products:

1. Essential Oil
2. Hydrosol, which is the distilled water from a steam distillation; hydrosol is totally infused with the herb, and is used therapeutically in many ways.

Excerpt from Amrita website, Dr. Christoph Streicher:
Helichrysum as a herb has been revered since the time of Homer and the ancient Greeks for its great wound healing ability. Fifteen years ago French aromatherapists started to distill and investigated possible therapeutic uses of this oil… Helichrysum is more anti-inflammatory than German Chamomile, more tissue regenerating than Lavender, more cicatrisant (helping the formation of scar tissue) than Frankincense. Along with Frankincense, Myrrh, Spikenard, and Rose, Helichrysum ranks as one of the most ancient and valuable healing substances. It heals physical and emotional scarring, opens the heart, connects body and spirit, and opens human beings to spiritual life.
Use Helichrysum Oil for:
Wounds and scar tissue - Helichrysum is the oil of choice for healing scar tissue, whether from a recent wound, operation, or tissue that has been scarred for years. It stops bleeding, helps a scab to form and tissue to repair itself. It can be added to a carrier oil and applied to stretch marks, acne scars, surgical scars, and wounds of all kinds.
Skin care products - Add Helichrysum to skin care products for its skin-rejuvenating properties. It also has remarkable effects on sensitive and inflamed skin.   Helichrysum+ Rosehip seed oil to fade old scars.
Healing of emotional scarring - Add to a blend for diseases where there is an emotional etiology, particularly addictions and heart disease. Use in counseling to bring to the surface feelings that have been denied.
Addictions - This oil helps one detox from alcohol, drugs, and nicotine, releasing the body and mind from addictive patterns. Make a blend to diffuse or to rub on the heart area.
Coronary complaints & phlebitis - Helichrysum opens the flow of subtle heart energies. Rub a blend on the heart area. Its anti-inflammatory and tissue regenerating properties also help repair swollen or weak veins.
Spiritual growth - Helichrysum's ability to heal emotional scarring, enhance the flow of subtle heart energy, and connect the body with spirit makes it an invaluable aid for spiritual growth.

A New Approach to Treating Common Sports Injuries Using Helichrysum Italicum Essential Oil by Michelle Cech    http://www.mytherapypractice.com/therapies/sports-injuries-essential-oils.html
Despite the image of Aromatherapy as lacking in scientific foundation in the United States, the use of pure, therapeutic grade essential oil for medical applications is common throughout much of Europe. The essential oil distilled from the flowers of Helichrysum Italicum is well-known for its broad range of actions, which can support healing of many common sports-related injuries.

The essential oil's compounds are known to prevent and relieve blood clotting (helpful for bruising), stimulate tissue regeneration, act as a powerful anti-oxidant, and can reduce inflammation. This combination of effects many help with injuries such as twists and sprains, bruises,
tendonitis and the like. Any dedicated athlete would greatly
welcome such a non-toxic, effective alternative healing remedy!

Medical aromatherapists understand the efficacy of essential oils for particular conditions; the oils are not considered a natural cure-all, but each plant offers chemical compounds with clear specificity of effects. Beyond the effects of each chemical compound within an oil, some oils efficacy is a clear synergy of the particular chemical makeup. Individual chemicals within essential oils are well-known antivirals, antimicrobials, anti-inflammatories, expectorants, mucolytics, anti-tumorials...and the list goes on. Some essential oils will contain synergies of these compounds; oils suggested for colds will contain components that are antibacterial, antiviral, and mucolytic (cleanses breathing passages) all in one essential oil. And what does this offer for the injured athlete? The possibility of speedier return to training and competition with Helichrysum italicum essential oil, which contains a synergy of compounds which can act to support healing of a great variety of common injuries.

The physiological basis of many sports injuries, both chronic - from overuse - and acute, from impacts, twists and strains, have many similarities. There is usually some cells that have suffered structural damage - some enough that the cells will die and need to be re-grown. Inflammation is a common characteristic; most often from fluid leaking from inter- or intra-cellular spaces. This fluid can be blood from damaged capillaries, and appear as bruising; either way swelling will
prevent proper perfusion - or nutrient and waste exchange - at the damaged site. This can lead to secondary damage - where cells around the originally damaged tendon, ligament or muscle cells are also becoming damaged by lack of oxygenation or nutrient supply. Further damage can occur through the over-production of free-radicals under such conditions. This is why immediate application of ice to an acute injury can have a substantial effect on the total damage and the speed of healing. The ice prevents the secondary damage associated with swelling and oxidation from occurring.

Now for a look at the synergistic actions of Helichrysum Italicum essential oil (there are several types of Helichrysum essential oil available - it is the Italicum, also known as Everlasting or Immortelle, that has these particular properties). The plant has a relatively low oil yield, and is not a commonly farmed; hence the extra cost of this special variety. Helichrysum has a high percentage of anti-inflammatory sesquiterpenes - nearly 50% of it's makeup. Another 40% is made up of Esters with marked relaxing effects on tissues - relieving tension in injured areas and allowing natural perfusion to take place. The third major component is a di-ketone, which signals
tissues to regenerate. These di-ketones are rare, and Helichrysum Italicum contains the highest known percentage.

As with the healing effect of most essential oils, it is the combination of effects from each molecule working together that can offer dramatic healing action. One professional athlete recently relayed an account of his use of the oil - after lack of success in treating Achilles tendonitis, he was sure he was going to have to drop out of an important upcoming event. He had been taking MSM, using topical Dimethylsulfoxide, consuming oral anti-infamies, and attempting to address the imbalance which had caused the injury in the first place - all to no avail. After learning about Helichrysum, he decided it was worth a try, and after three days of regular application to the tendon, the pain was gone and he was able to continue his training at
maximum capacity!

While this is only one case, it is interesting that relief was found so quickly, and to a chronic injury that was otherwise difficult to treat. The scientific medical aromatherapy literature describes usage for acute injuries (such as recently twisted ankles, wrists, or areas bruised from impact) more frequently. According to Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt in Advanced Aromatherapy:

"Everlasting oil is certainly one of the most astounding essential oils. Its very unique chemical composition
along with (all) essential oil's ability to penetrate into
tissue and the circulatory system permit some spectacular treatments. Used for bruises, sprains, and twisted ankles - usually accompanied by swelling and subsequent hemorrhages - this oil proves practically to be a wonder cure."

He goes on to mention that the earlier the application of the oil following an acute injury, the more pronounced the healing effect.

If you decide to try the oil, be sure of your source, and that the variety is correct one discussed here. The oil is appropriate for range of injuries - minor to major though of course it is not a substitute for proper medical attention in any way. Using the oil in conduction with a prescribed therapy should be discussed with your doctor.

The literature does state that the oil is very well tolerated, and can be applied directly to the skin undiluted. An application of a thin film a few times a day, as soon as chronic pain is noted, or an acute injury occurs, is best. The oil can be used on broken or damaged skin - in fact, it is included in formulas to reduce scar formation along with Rosehip seed and Hazelnut oils (a 5% dilution of Helichrysum in a 50/50 blend of these two base oils can be used to support wound healing).

In summary, Helichrysum italicum essential oil is a gentle, topical treatment which may speed healing for many common sport-related injuries. It is regarded as a very safe oil and is worth a try if you are in need of such support. (If you are not a therapist, please consult a suitably qualified health practitioner where appropriate.)

Copyright 2007 Michelle Cech The author is the co-owner of http://www.anandaapothecary.com - More aromatherapy resources are available on her site - along with direct contact information if you have further questions.

Excerpt from Suzanne Catty's book, Hydrosols The next Aromatherapy, Healing Arts Press:
" Helichrysum italicum/ Immortelle/Everlasting HYDROSOL pH 3.5 - 3.8
Aroma and Taste Unusual. For some it is like honey on warm toast. I would say warm, dry, herbaceous and hay-like with an edge of hot summer and dusty hilltops and decidedly Mediterranean. The flavor is bitter, almost soapy, with no hint of the sweetness evident in the scent.
Stability Stable. Usually lasts for two years, although it is so effective for so many things it gets used before it fades.
Properties and applications A strong anti-hematoma, although less dramatically analgesic (pain relieving) than the oil. Applied in a compress to bangs and bumps or old aches, it can even bring subcutaneous bruises to the surface, exposing hidden damage. Wonderful as a sports rub after workout or physical labor because of its powerful anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic properties. Used in synergy with the rather expensive Immortelle essential oil, it can reduce the amount of essential oil needed during a long-term healing, such as for broken bones, where there is a lot of bruising and swelling. Significantly anti-inflammatory and cicatrisant for all wound and tissue damage.
Combine Helichrysum with rock rose in a douche for endometriosis, fibroids, and painful periods. Regular use, especially in combination with essential oil treatments, can significantly ameliorate these conditions, and in some cases fibroids can be cured altogether.
A few recipes follow. Refer to her book for more recipes, especially for fibroids.

Helichrysum hydrosol is a must for aftercare in any surgery, speeding the healing of incisions and needle wounds, reducing swelling and bruising, and detoxifying the liver of anesthetic*. Also, used for detoxifying the body after chemotherapy.
It is also a wonder for cleaning and healing tattoos or body piercing.
Use as a mouthwash after dental work. For gingivitis or receding gums, use one tablespoon neat (undiluted) or mixed 50:50 with water as a mouthwash two times daily every day for six months and watch your dentist be amazed. It is also of use in combination with herbal treatments supporting the liver such as milk thistle, black radish, and artichoke, yet another bitter. Internal use of the hydrosol in a three-week protocol can speed recovery after a long illness, particularly if combined with Greenland moss, another liver supporter. Use two parts Immortelle to one part Greenland moss and drink thirty milliliters diluted in a liter of water daily.
In skin care it can help heal scar tissue and is good in synergy with the essential oil and with rose hip seed oil and other hydrosols like carrot seed, sage and frankincense. One Client used it constantly throughout the day in light mists after a car accident, and her quite severe bruising disappeared in a matter of days. It is good for sensitive, mature or congested skin and helps heal ingrown hairs."
* From Theresa,/ ACQUA VITA - (416) 405 8855 fax (416) 405 8185 Toll Free (866) 405 8855 www.acqua-vita.com , www.hydrosols.com info@acqua-vita.comThe application is to drink it, 30ml in 1 liter of water to be drunk daily. Do this for 3 wks. and then take one week off Assess how you feel and then repeat procedure if you feel necessary.
RECIPES from Acqua Vita
Terminology: E.O. = Essential Oil, V.O. = Vegetable oil (Carrier oil), A.H. = Aromatic Hydrosol
1. Black Eye Put 5 ml Hydrosol of Helichrysum on a cotton pad and apply to site of impact; repeat every 5 minutes for 6 applications. Follow with:
5 ml Helichrysum Hydrosol, 5 ml German Chamomile Hydrosol, or Yarrow Hydrosol
5 ml Greenland moss
Soak a pad with the blend and place on eye. Wrap lightly with a dry cloth and leave in place while you lie down for at least 30 minutes. Replace the pad frequently.
2. Bruises Apply one drop of Essential Oil Helichrysum to the site of the bruise and compress with cotton soaked in the Helichrysum hydrosol. The combined synergy of the oil and the hydrosol compress is phenomenal, although the hydrosol works well on its own.
3. Scars and Stretch marks Spritz Helichrysum hydrosol onto scar and then apply the following essential oil blend while still moist. This is great for stretch marks, which cover a larger area than normal scars, and seems to speed up the process with old scar tissue and keloids.
2.5 ml Essential Oil of Helichrysum , 2.5 ml Rose Hip Seed Oil, 5 ml Hazelnut Oil.
Combine and use only 1 drop or the smallest amount that will cover the scar, four to six times a day, every day. Results are usually visible in the first week or two. Tiny amounts repeated frequently are the key to success with scar tissue.
4. Nosebleed If the nosebleed is a result of a blow to the face or head, use Hydrosol of Helichrysum on the bridge of the nose and 1 drop Helichrysum Essential Oil on the site of impact.
5. Gingivitis and Receding Gums Dilute 10 ml Helichrysum hydrosol in 100 ml water and use as a morning mouth rinse after brushing and flossing teeth; repeat at night. Do not swallow the rinse, and use it all every time. Repeat daily for as long as required. Receding gums may take several months to respond, but Helichrysum will have a positive effect. Your dental hygienist will be amazed!
(( I use Suzanne's dilution of 1:10 in my water pic which I use every night on my gums. My dentist has noticed marked improvement in my gum disease 'pockets'. S.Messori))

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils, Julia Lawless, 1997
Helichrysum Principal Constituents of the Essential Oil:
Nerol and neryl acetate(30-50 per cent) (Used in perfumery and food flavorings), geraniol, pinene, linalol, isovaleric aldehyde, sesquiterpenes, furfurol and eugenol, among others.
Actions: Anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial, antitussive, antiseptic, astringent, cholagogue, cicatrisant (stimulating the healing of wounds or scar tissue), diuretic, expectorant, fungicidal, hepatic (liver tonic), nervine
Skin Care: Abscess, acne, allergic conditions, boils, burns, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, inflammation, "age" spots, wounds, Rosacea
Circulation, Muscles, and Joints: Muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, sprains, strained muscles
Respiratory System: Asthma, bronchitis, chronic cough, whooping cough
Digestive System: Liver congestion, spleen congestion
Immune System: Bacterial infections, colds, flu, fever
Nervous System: Depression, debility, lethargy, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, stress-related conditions
Other: Used as a fixative and fragrance component in soaps, cosmetics and perfumes.

From The Aromatherapy Book by Jeanne Rose:
Helichrysum italicum: "The main constituent is neryl acetate and according to J. Paltz in Le Fascinant Pouvoir des Huilles Essentielles, 1984, this aromatic is useful for phlebitis, coronary complaints and liver fatigue. Helichrysum is used for detoxifying people from drugs including smoking. The affinity with skin care is observable. Treating acne tissue with Helichrysum in dilution has proven more effective than the use of any other essential oil.

Date: 11/30/2002 11:05:22 AM Pacific Standard Time From:MHSCHOLES
Michael Scholes The Laboratory of Flowers 4218 Glencoe Ave, Studio 4 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
"As a teacher and practitioner in aromatherapy I am always seeking out the best quality I can find in the products I purchase. To have come across a local supplier of Helichrysum floral water and oil from a local US source is a blessing and when the product goes beyond what I expected then it is a validation of my own efforts in assisting my clients to feel better through aromatics. Rivendell Aromatics has produced a fine quality oil and hydrosol that represents the intent and commitment of the company to grow and distill the finest quality home grown products."

Date: 12/2/2002 10:36:29 AM From: Julia@benedetta.com To: Rivendell Sent from the Internet
Dear Sandy, I love the oil! The water (hydrosol) is as rich as the oil. Good Job!!
Kindest Regards, Julia Faller - Owner Benedetta "Fresh" Aromatherapeutics

Mrs. Virginia Colee, New Smyrna Beach, Florida: "I have meant to tell you that the Helichrysum Hydrosol is doing wonders for the pain of arthritis in my hands and arms, also the age freckles are disappearing. I have a place on my cheek; I will try it on that also. I read the whole article you sent, sounds amazing." note. Virginia was able to stop taking prescription pain-killers for her arthritis when she began misting the Helichrysum hydrosol four times daily on her wrists and hands)

Leticia Cornejo, Ventura, California: "I have been putting the liquid (hydrosol) on my son's acne on his forehead and it is helping to keep the skin clear."

Sandy Messori, Ventura, CA: My son Tyson cut his thumb with a sickle while harvesting Lavender. It was a jagged cut and deep, but he would not go to the ER for a stitch. I washed it out with hydrogen peroxide and put a drop of Helichrysum oil on it. It seeped for a day because it was so deep, but healed so quickly, from the inside out that he had the bandage off after only 5 days, and the scar is minimal. Also, my cat had a spot on her little pink nose that was raw and wouldn't heal for weeks so I dabbed Heli oil on it and it healed within 3 days. I use the Heli hydrosol in my "water pic" and I have reversed the progress of gingivitis gum disease…my dental hygienist has noticed a marked improvement. I spray the hydrosol on bruises and they seem to disappear more quickly.


PRICES:Helichrysum italicum essential oil, grown organically and distilled right here on our farm:    1 ml $12.00,    2.5ml $19.00,   10 ml $68.00  ,      30 ml  $165.00 ,      120 ml $650.00 


All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.

TO ORDER:   Email rivendell7@aol.com

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The following Essential Oil Therapy information is excerpted from Julia Meadows Guide "Essential Aromatics"

WHAT IS ESSENTIAL OIL THERAPY? It is the art and science of using the essential oils of plant materials for health and beauty. Early civilizations - Egyptian, Green, Roman, Chinese, Indian - used aromatic plant materials in religious ritual, for healing and to promote physical and mental well-being. Throughout the centuries, essential oils have had respected healing applications in the herbal tradition, but the word 'aromatherapy' was not coined until the 1930's when several European doctors and biochemists integrated their essential oil research into their work. Aromatherapy, properly practiced, has shown successful results in the treatment of muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive and reproductive problems, as well as skin disorders and stress related conditions.

WHAT ARE ESSENTIAL OILS? Essential oils are the 'essential' part of the plant, the fragrance component, present only in small quantities in the living plant organism. They are variously found in leaves, twigs, flowers, roots and bark of plants, as well as in spices and the rinds of citrus fruits. The quality is largely determined by place of origin, plant type, geographic locale, cultivation methods, climatic changes, and distillation techniques. Like other commodities, there are many levels of quality in essential oils available commercially. 'Premium-quality' (or 'therapeutic grade') pure essential oils are those which are obtained as close to the natural source as possible, from healthy plants ideally organically-grown or wild-crafted, harvested in their optimal state and processed quickly. The best pure essential oils are not rectified, decolorized or chemically altered in any way and are not pre-diluted with oils, alcohol or other additives.

HOW ARE ESSENTIAL OILS PRODUCED? The majority of essential oils are obtained from plants by steam distillation, producing a 'volatile oil'. Citrus oils are produced by 'expression' - cold pressing the fruit peel mechanically or by hand. Generally, the extraction process takes place within a few hours of harvesting, with the distillation equipment in place on-site. The actual 'yield' of a plant harvest may vary from as high as 10% (as with Tea Tree) to as little as .02% (as with rose, which requires 1000 pounds of rose petals to produce one pound of rose oil!) Aromatic materials are also obtained by other methods such as concretes and absolutes (in the case of highly fragrant flowers too delicate for steam) and oleo-resins, resinoids and balsams (from natural gums, resins and woods.)

HOW DO ESSENTIAL OILS WORK IN AROMATHERAPY? Essential oils are used to treat a wide range of complaints affecting the many systems of the body - skin; circulation, muscles and joints; respiratory; digestive; genito-urinary/endocrine; nervous system and immune system. Essential oils, being highly-concentrated, biologically-active compounds which are oil-soluble and partially water-soluble, are extremely compatible with body/skin function. Diluted in the appropriate carrier, they are applied externally in various ways. Of great current interest is 'psycho-aromatherapy' - the influence of aromas on the mind and emotions. It has been observed and recorded that the aromas of essential oils, when inhaled, pass through the olfactory tract to the limbic system ( the brain center of memory and emotion) evoking powerful responses. Brain neuro-chemicals are released, creating feelings which may be stimulating, relaxing, sedative, aphrodisiac or euphoric.

HOW DO I USE THE OILS? Following are several methods of use:

Massage/Body care/Haircare: Massaging the body to relieve pain and stress is a natural instinct. Body treatments with essential oils relax muscles, improve blood circulation and assist in the elimination of toxins. For massage/body care applications, essential oils are always diluted in a neutral base called a 'carrier,' which is a fresh cold-pressed vegetable or nut oil (rich in nutrients and essential fatty acids for skin health) or an unscented natural lotion. Also, the beauty and health of the hair and scalp can benefit greatly from the addition of essential oils in scalp tonics, shampoos, conditioners and hot oil treatments.

Facial Skincare: All skin types - oily, normal dry, combination, sensitive, mature - can benefit from essential oils properly incorporated into cleansers, toners, floral waters, scrubs, masks and facial oils, moisturizers and creams. Many essential oils are active against bacterial infection, and are specific for acne/oily skin. Others are anti-inflammatory and cytophylactic (cell-regenerating) and are extremely helpful to dry, sensitive or aging skin.

Baths: Essential oils can be added directly to warm bathwater for a wonderful, healthy, aromatic bath. The oils may also be used in footbaths, sitzbaths, Jacuzzis, steambaths and saunas. (Hint - Add oils after you sit down in the tub for maximum aromatic effect and to avoid irritation of sensitive areas.)

Inhalation/Vaporization: Essential oils can bring speedy relief to respiratory and stress related problems. Inhale directly from the bottle or place a drop on a tissue. Drops may also be sprinkled on linens and pillows, or in an electric vaporizer to rehydrate and fragrance the air. Make a natural room spray by mixing essential oils with water in a spray bottle. For an effective steam inhalation, add essential oils to just-boiled water and inhale to relieve stress and congestion, and enjoy a cleansing facial sauna.

Diffusers/Room fresheners: Many types of electric diffusers are now available for home and office use. Ceramic diffusers using a 'tea candle' gently heat essential oils in a small water bath above. Hanging pottery diffusers in a variety of shapes and sizes are designed for smaller spaces, including cars. All these methods work by 'diffusing' the essential oil molecules into the air. Essential oils may also be added directly to dried herbs and flowers to make a natural pot-pourri, or onto any porous decorative object to make a naturally fragrant 'pomander'.

Natural Perfumes/Eau-de-Toilettes: Pure essential oils and absolutes make beautiful 100% natural perfumes when blended in a base of jojoba oil, alcohol or water. Select a pretty bottle, vial or spray and let your imagination be your guide.


Massage/Body care/Haircare oils: 20-25 drops essential oils) to 1 ounce (30 ml) carrier oils); or 4 - 5 drops of essential oils) to 1 teaspoon carrier oils).

Facial skincare oils: 8 - 10 drops essential oils) to 1 ounce carrier oil; or 1 drop essential oil to 1 teaspoon carrier oil.

Baths: 5 - 10 drops essential oils) Swish the oil thoroughly through the bathwater after you have entered the tub. Footbath: 2 - 4 drops. Jacuzzi: 5 - 10 drops. Steam baths: 3 - 4 drops at the heat source. Sauna: 3 - 4 drops in 16 ounces water.

Inhalation/Vaporization: Tissue inhalation: 1 drop. Vaporizers: 5 - 10 drops in distilled water. Room Sprays: 2 - 10 drops in 1 ounce distilled water, shake thoroughly. Steam inhalation: 2 - 3 drops in just-boiled water; cover your head with a towel, close the eyes and breathe deeply.

Diffusers/Room fresheners: Electric diffusers: follow the manufacturer's instructions for room size and diffuser type. 'Water bath' diffusers: 4 - 8 drops in the water. Hanging car diffusers: new unglazed pottery, 10 - 30 drops; refresh as needed. Natural pot-pourri: 10 - 20 drops mixed in with 1 - 2 ounces dried material.

Natural Perfumes/Eau-de-Toilette: Perfumes: 15 - 30% essential oils) to 70 - 85% jojoba oil. Eau-de-Toilettes: 5 - 10% essential oils) to 90 - 95% distilled water/alcohol mix. Eau-de-cologne: 1 - 5 % essential oils) to distilled water/alcohol mix. (you may use vodka or grain alcohol). Shake well before each use.

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Aromatherapy, when practiced correctly, is a gentle and complementary therapy which gives excellent benefits. For best results follow these simple rules:

· Do not take essential oils internally.   (some therapists trained in Europe take small amounts of the oils diluted in liquid)
· Be sure to purchase premium-quality pure essential oils in dark glass bottles. Store in a cool dark place and keep out of the reach of children. Essential oils will last 2 - 3 years (citrus oils, 1 - 2 years).
· If you suspect that you may be allergic to any substance, we recommend that you conduct a 'patch test' as follows: rub a few drops of your blend on the inside of your elbow, cover and check after 12 hours. If redness or skin irritation occurs, do not use.
· Oils to avoid: Mugwort, pennyroyal, rue.
· Oils to avoid during pregnancy: basil, fennel, hyssop, marjoram, rosemary, sage.
· Oils which may cause skin irritation if not diluted: black pepper, cinnamon, clove, ginger, peppermint, thyme, oregano.
· Oils which can cause skin photosensitivity: citrus and bergamot.

NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT CONFUSE PURE ESSENTIAL OILS WITH OTHER OILS, OFTEN LABELED 'FRAGRANCE OIL' or 'PERFUME OIL', ETC. For the practice of True Aromatherapy, only premium quality pure essential oils of botanical origin are used.

I highly recommend Julia Meadow's excellent book: Natural Body care, Creating Aromatherapy Cosmetics for Health and Beauty.  Many of my products were created using the information from this book. The writing is concise, the information is very well researched and accurate and it's a beautiful book visually with lovely photographs to illustrate her ideas.  Sandy Messori


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At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com 

 All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.


A blend of rich, rare and nutrient oils to help your skin look its best

"My Face serum is made especially to rejuvenate, rehydrate, protect and heal your skin. I formulated the blend for myself - I have spent my whole life out in the sun, most of the time unprotected, and now my skin needs help to recover from the harsh effects of the elements. The rich and rare oils in this blend are used by aromatherapists and in massage therapy for their specific skin healing properties."


For my dry skin, I actually use my Rejuvenating Face Serum 'Cleopatra's Secret' on all of my skin which has been exposed to the sun over the years. After my bath, while I am still damp, I apply the serum to my face by pumping a few dollops on the back of my left hand and then rubbing that with the back of my right hand. I smooth the oil onto my face and neck like a kitty cat, not rubbing the delicate skin, just laying it on. Pump some more on the back of the hands and smooth the oil up the arms. Then I pump some more into the palms of my hands and smooth it on my feet and legs.
If I want to apply the oil in between baths, I mist my skin with Helichrysum hydrosol. This hydrosol is very healing and soothing. My mother discovered additional interesting aspects of the Helichrysum while using it for her arthritis inflammation in her hands. She called me one day after misting the Helichrysum hydrosol on hands and arms for about 8 weeks and said "My age spots are fading!" Mom also said that it faded the under-the-skin purple bruises that are common with thinning skin. I didn't really believe her, but then I read more about Helichrysum on internet and found that it is specific in the European medica for bruises and skin lesions. S.M.
SPECIAl  COMBO:  30 ml Rejuvenating Face Serum + 4 oz Healing Helichrysum Hydrosol set $30.00

Rich and Rejuvenating Face Serum contains the following:

Essential oils:
Helichrysum: Healing for all skin

Pure Rose Absolute for dry skin, mature skin, sensitive skin, and all aspects of skin care; powerful aphrodisiac.
Roman Chamomile is calming on the central nervous system, excellent oil for all skin irritations and acne.
Jasmine absolute is warming, rejuvenating for dry, mature, and sensitive skin.
Ylang Ylang is euphoric, tonic for any skin condition, aphrodisiac, nerve tonic, helps depression, soothes anger and eases pain, excellent for insomnia, helps with lack of concentration and emotional exhaustion.
Sandal wood, is excellent skin care for all types: Acne, eczema, cracked and chapped skin.       

Clary Sage regenerates skin cells, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, inhaled for hot flashes or fatigue, neurotonic.
Lavender is healing relaxing, antibiotic, respiratory aid, nervous system tonic especially for grief, anger & anxiety.
Patchouli rejuvenates the skin, regulates cellular tissue functions, used with acne and seborrheic eczema, perfumery.
Palmarosa aids cell regeneration.
Frankincense for mature skin, reduces wrinkles, antiseptic anti-inflammatory. Sandalwood is healing, moisturizing, soothing, good for acne and chapped lips. Helichrysum is primarily used to resolve old scar tissue, arthritis, anti-inflammatory.

Carrier oils  Healing oils:
Hazelnut Oil:  is one of the most highly unsaturated vegetable oils which allows it to be  easily absorbed by the skin and carries the wonderful essential oils. 

Rose hip seed Oil is a rich source of essential fatty acids (e.f.a), which inhibit bacterial growth and encourage production of antibodies; also the e.f.a combine with protein to build membranes which link cells to one another - slows aging. Eases inflammation, itching and scaling.


30 ml (~1 oz) Glass bottle with easy-to-use pump cap  $19.00


120 ml glass bottle (~4 oz) Refill $62.00


My recommendation for daily skin rejuvenation session (Kitty Kat Method) :   Wash gently with barely warm water.  Mist your face with Helichrysum Hydrosol. Put several drops of this oil on the BACK of your hand and smooth it around with the back of the other hand.  Then using the backs of both hands, apply the oil to your forehead, outer eye areas, nose, upper lip, chin, neck, chest and arms.  Smooth the oil very gently with the fingertips of your pinky and one finger next to it.    Voilá!  Younger looking and healthier skin.       Enjoy!  Sandy Messori


Rejuvenating Face Serum

30 ml (1 ounce)  glass  bottle with convenient pump $19.00 each

120 ml (4 oz) refill bottle with regular cap $62.00               Pump available   $3.00

(30 ml Violet Glass* bottle with dropper $22 each)

Rejuvenating Face Oil may be bottled in 10 ml Violet Glass bottle to preserve the energy of the oils.


Rejuvenating Face Cream

For those who do not like the feel of oil on the skin, I have made my Rejuvenating  Cleopatra's Secret in a cream format

Rejuvenating Face serum combined with my body butter and  hazelnut oil

8 oz $35.00

4 oz $19.00

2 oz  $10.00


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At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com



ll material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only,

and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.


Any of our Essential Oils can be bottled in a mister, with pure distilled water.

I keep several on hand: 

Clary Sage  is balancing and normalizing, especially for monthly mood swings and during women's menopause or PMS.

Eucalyptus for respiratory distress, avoiding colds and flu, stimulating.

Frankincense for Protection,  it's uplifting scent is cleansing and restorative.  Also used for helping with respiratory distress.

Jasmine for euphoric, anti-depressant, warming aphrodisiac, emotional balance

Lavender 'Rivendell Estate' is a soothing scent at bedtime, helps to settle down for sleep or meditation, soothes anxiety and stress, especially children, pets, elder care.   Excellent for in the car to calm road rage and excited children.  Teachers use this one in classrooms to calm unruly students.  Helps with anxiety of public speaking. 

Lemon Verbena for the sweet refreshing scent that dispels bad dreams, fear, anxiety, stage fright, anxiety.

Rose for the unity of spiritual with physical, Rose is a powerful aphrodisiac, excellent rejuvenation qualities for all skin (thread veins, eczema),  heart palpitations, respiratory ailments, nausea, depression insomnia, headache, PMS, nervous tension and other stress-related disorders, Perfumery

Orange Blossom (Neroli) is joyously uplifting Antidepressant, Nerve tonic, excellent used in skin care especially for dry or sensitive skin; inhaled for grief, quietly soothing, calming and sedating - breathe before sleep, can moderate the stimulating effects of coffee   Also indicated for cardiac spasm, chronic diarrhea and insomnia.

Mental Clarity is the one I developed for myself when I worked in a corporate job and had to prepare myself for meetings or speeches.  It is a blend of Spearmint,  Rosemary, Lemon and Lavender, all of which stimulate the brain to wake up and open pathways to memory and speech. 

Panacea was developed from a blend of three of my personally distilled oils: Lavandin for soothing, Incense Cedar for protection from germs and to attract positive influences, Helichrysum for healing of body and soul. 

Thieves blend, Rivendell Eucalyptus, Rivendell Rosemary, Rivendell Lavandin, Lemon,  Clove and Cinnamon, for Protection from infectious agents, Antiseptic, Ant repellant,  Moth repellant, may be spider repellant, it's uplifting scent is stimulating, cleansing and restorative. 

Ylang Ylang is a playful mist to uplift, relieve tension so one can feel the euphoria of life!

The mists are used to hydrate the face or skin for instant refresh, scent a room, healing spray for skin problems, breath freshener, linen water, for pets and their bedding. Need a burst of inspiration or a clear mind for a meeting? - there is one called 'Mental Clarity'. We can blend a personal perfume blend for you, and you can mist a light scent just before meeting your special person.


-Wedding planners order herbal mists as favors for the guests, especially for an outside summer wedding.

-Teachers order Lavender mist to calm the students and Mental Clarity mist to use before a quiz, with amazing results. "The students ask for it!"

-We keep an Orange scented mist in the car, spray at the air vent and it fills the space with fragrance.

-We use a Lavender/Tea tree mist for avoiding flu and colds, and to alleviate the congestion and symptoms of Cold

-Bring Lavender/Rose Geranium when traveling to disinfect surfaces and mist yourself on the airplane to fend off airborne germs.

1 oz (~30 ml) Glass Bottle with Fine Mist Pump $5.00 each *

4 oz (~120 ml) Glass Bottle with Fine Mist Pump $10.00 each

8 oz cobalt blue plastic bottle with fine mist pump  $18 ea

*Violet Glass Bottle, (30ml) $6 each

To learn about the energetics of Violet Glass see information below.


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 At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com


Treat yourself to a relaxing bath with my Stress Relief bath salt blend. This is a detoxifying formula for treating CELLULITE .

Use 1/4 cup in your warm bath (a cap full).

Purifying, diuretic baths, a diet of natural foods free of chemical preservatives and additives, aerobic exercise, dry-brushing, sauna and lymphatic massage can reduce your stress and help eliminate cellulite

Contains: Celtic Sea Salts, Epsom Salts, True Essential Oils of Lavender, Pink Grapefruit, Lemon, and Incense Cedar.

1 lb  PET Plastic Jar $10 each

 All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.

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TO ORDER:   Email rivendell7@aol.com

Hand Made Soaps

"Enjoy the luxury of fine soap hand made in the cold process method to keep the therapeutic ingredients viable."


Mild and healing for your skin
Scented with Natural Essential Oils
simple formula is better for your skin...for your life!
Lather well and last a long time

  Contain  more glycerin and less chemicals than "store bought" soap

HAND MADE SOAPS: 4 ounce bar $5.00 each

Your skin is the largest organ of your body and it performs the very important functions of respiration and elimination of toxins. Everything that touches your skin affects your health, so you want to use the very purest soaps when you cleanse.
My hand made, all vegetale soaps are made with just a few pure ingredients, no long unpronounceable chemicals, no petroleum products or synthetic scents. I combine the ingredients in the cold process method, to retain all the therapeutic qualities.

"I make these soaps for my family, but I will share some with you." S.M.

The 4 oz. Bars come in the following natural scents:
Spearmint Oatmeal Soap: Joy! Healing Spearmint Oil joins with soothing cleansing Oatmeal for a fresh, invigorating and emollient soap for your bath.  Made with Palm oil, Olive Oil, Coconut oil,  sodium hydroxide, Spearmint Essential Oil , fresh ground Oatmeal,  BIODEGRADABLE

Lavender Soap : Lavender has long been used as a healing gentle cleanser with calming properties for soothing tension relief at the end of your busy day.  Made with: Palm Kernel oil, Olive oil, Coconut oil, sodium hydroxide,  Lavender Essential Oil, BIODEGRADABLE

Ojai Orange Soap: The refreshing Sweet Orange essential oil is an excellent skin tonic for dry skin and broken capillaries. This soap helps restore the skin's acid barrier and stimulates cell replacement.  Made with Palm Oil, Olive oil, Coconut oil, Hemp Oil, sodium hydroxide, Sweet Orange Essential Oil,  Paprika for color. BIODEGRADABLE

 Lemon Verbena Soap: Wake up! and enjoy the fresh cleansing scent of Lemon Verbena - stimulates pores to cleanse and tonify the skin. Addition of our organic Calendula oil is anti-inflammatory and regenerative, helps heal all kinds of skin damage, burns, wounds, scars and softens dry chapped skin.  Made with Oils of Palm, Olive, Coconut, Rivendell Calendula oil, sodium hydroxide, Essential oil of Lemon Verbena and Litsea cubeba. Turmeric for color BIODEGRADABLE


My basic soap recipe may include some of the following pure ingredients:

  • Palm Kernel Oil makes a hard soap that lathers well.  We use sustainably harvested palm oil.
  • Coconut oil makes a quick fluffy lather.
  • Olive oil is a wonderful moisturizer that does not block the natural functions of the skin. It allows the skin to continue sweating, releasing sebum and shedding dead skin while helping to hold moisture close to the skin. Moisture helps the skin stay supple and smooth.
  • Calendula oil is anti-inflammatory and regenerative, helps heal all kinds of skin damage, burns, wounds, scars and softens dry chapped skin.
  • Rose Hip Seed Oil promotes tissue regeneration, reduces scarring on wounds, fades old scars, heals burns, reduces lines and wrinkles on the skin.
  • Sodium hydroxide, is an essential ingredient for all soaps. That is what soap is - a combination of a caustic and lipids (fats/oils) which undergo a chemical reaction that produces soap. NO LYE OR FATS ARE LEFT OVER IN OUR PROCESS!   THE SOAP IS VERY MILD AND PEOPLE WITH SENSITIVE SKIN HAVE NEVER RETURNED SOAP TO ME!
  • True Essential Oils come from plants and are used for scent and therapeutic properties.


"My soaps are mild, healing and long lasting. They smell good, naturally scented with True Essential Oils." S.M.


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At this time, The best way to order is through Email: Rivendell7@aol.com

Beeswax Aromatherapy Candles Out of stock

These special candles are made of
Pure Organic Beeswax
scented with
True Essential Oils

"We use no petroleum products or synthetic scents to cause allergy or sensitivity" S.M.


Special carved egg shape burns for 30 - 40 hours.

about 4" tall

Current Essential Scents Available: Lavender, Frankincense, Lemon Verbena, Mental Clarity (Spearmint, Lemon & Rosemary), Spearmint, Orange, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Rose Geranium, and Unscented (Your special essential oil fragrance available on request.)

Candles come packed in  an elegant organza cloth bag, color matching the 'essence' (see photo above) $15.00 each  OUT OF STOCK


People constantly ask me at Farmer's market why the bees are dying. I  go off
on my ROUNDUP RANT.  We are covering the earth with concrete, asphalt,
and Rounduping (yes that is a verb) all of the luscious weed  fields that are the
bees' food forage.  WE ARE STARVING THE BEES TO DEATH!  It's not  just cel phones, or
pesticides, completely...it is a  combination of factors.  But we  have to stop it because
BEES = FOOD and if people don't wise up to this fact then we humans will soon be starving too.

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TO ORDER:   Email rivendell7@aol.com

White Sage

Native people have used White Sage (Salvia apiana) for centuries as a powerful spiritual cleanser and medicinal herb. We harvest the sage in a respectful manner from our own farm. The sacred smudge bundles are tied with hemp twine and come with an informative card.

To use the Sage Bundle in a spiritual cleansing ceremony, light the smudge and burn for a few seconds, extinguish the flame and let the smoke waft over you, your room, your house, office, pet, car.

You don't need to burn the whole smudge at once. Be careful to extinguish completely before storing.

The dry herb may be boiled and the steam inhaled for chest cold. A 'tea' of the dried leaves can be used as a douche for Candida (yeast infection), a wash or a soak for dirty abrasions.

From Michael Moore's Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West: This plant is a dandy. It has been used throughout it's growing area by Native folks, Anglo settlers and Spanish Californians. The diterpenes are effective against staph, candida and Klebsiella pneumoniae - three bugs that cover a wide range of conditions; and the aromatics act as counterirritants to increase the depth of effect on tissues. The plant is best prepared as a tincture since the carnosic acids are poorly water soluble. Fill a small jar full of leaves, add a tablespoon of alcohol (grain alcohol or vodka) on top of them, close the lid and store the pickled leaves for tea use. Use these leaves to make tea which can be drunk for chest colds (breathe the steam of the tea for inhalation while you are at it.) The douche is a good treatment for acute candidal vaginitis and the sitz bath will help limit the yeast on the outside of the area. The tea, tincture or powder is an excellent wash or dust for dirty scrapes and abrasions. Simply soak the area in tea if it is a particularly nasty injury. Alternate soak with hydrogen peroxide wash will take care of almost anything.

Bundles wrapped in hemp twine - - - - - - Sachet

White Sage Plants growing at Rivendell


WHITE SAGE BUNDLE: 8 to 9 inch smudge bundle tied with hemp twine + informative card $7.00

WHITE SAGE SACHET: 2 oz. bag of loose sage leaves for use as tea + informative card $7.00 each

White Sage Flowers: The flowers of the White Sage (Salvia apiana) are particularly intense. To use the Sage flowers in a spiritual cleansing ceremony, boil ¼ cup in 4 cups of distilled water for 4 minutes. Allow to steep for 4 hours. Add this liquid to your bath and soak for 40 minutes. Add a few flowers to a charcoal burner or fire. The flowers may be boiled and the steam inhaled for chest cold. small sage green organza bag with informative card $5.00 each

NEW! We distilled our own White Sage Plants and received a most excellent Essential Oil and Hydrosol.

The Essential Oil is exquisite, a clear oil with a 'green' scent highlighted with a little camphor and high notes reminiscent of Rosemary and Lavender but distinctive of White Sage (Salvia apiana) 10 ml Violet Glass Bottle or 10 ml glass dropper bottle $22, 30 ml  glass dropoper bottle $5400.

The Hydrosol fragrance is strong, an intense mix of sage, rosemary and lavender. Sweeter than Salvia officinalis. Suzanne Catty writes in her book, Hydrosols The Next Aromatherapy, "Although the flavor is very nice, I do not recommend white sage for internal use. Its sphere of activity is energetic. This is the desert sage that has been used by Native Americans for ritual, smudging, and healing as far back as traditions go. The energy field of the hydrosol is unbelievable; the pendulum is almost horizontal, its swing is so strong. Use as a mist for the auric field, use to cleanse and program crystals and other healing tools, apply by anointing to the chakras and energy points of the body, and mist through the air to disperse negative energies in healing rooms or your home. Avoid applying directly to polished metal objects, as it can affect the finish. Really most extraordinary and powerful."

Hydrosol:  30 ml (~1 oz)  glass bottle $7 (Violet glass bottle available, add $1)

4 oz  glass bottle with mister $15


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 All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.

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Violet Glass Information

The history of the violet glass (From the Violet Glass Website)
Ever since the beginning of glass production, approximately. 3,500 years pre Christ, violet or golden containers/bottles have been used exclusively to preserve precious salves, oils, essences and alternative medicines. Today, thanks to science, we know that life (energy) is best preserved by Violet, and no other spectral range can compare.

In 1851 Jakob Lorber's (Graz, Austria. 1800-1864) edition "Healing Properties Of Sunlight" (Die Heilkraft des Sonnenlichtes) was published. In this volume he points out that violet glass is the ideal storage container for healing remedies and other substances that are sensitive to light. In 1991 after seven long years of research we found the right color tone of the violet glass.

Bottling in a Violet Glass Bottle adds $1 to the price of an oil

Why does the violet Miron Glass offer the best protection for their careful and still very expensively manufactured healing substances, essences, tinctures, natural cosmetics, food supplements, etc ?

According to the Institute Fraunhofer in Munich (Germany) the radiation in the photosensitive area (app 450nm to 720nm) does not penetrate the glass. Brown glass on the other hand lets light through here and in all of the visible areas of the light spectrum. Experts talk about a potential "quality leak"
The secret of violet glass is based on the fact that violet spectral range (720 - 770 Bio herz>) permanently activates and energizes the molecular structure, and the (healing) energy stored in the Miron glass doesn't "escape". Yin/Yang effect- Inhale/Exhale.

Recent research (Prof. F.A. Popp and Dr. H. Niggli, 1997 / 1998) proves show solar energy in our food is essential for our health. Solar energy enters our cells in form of bio-photons (smallest physical unit of light).

They include important information to control the complex life process in our bodies. The Bio-Photons have a strong regulating and balancing energy and put the organism into a higher vibration or order. These Bio-Photons are extremely sensitive.
Dr. H. Niggli's readings show that Bio-photons noticeably decrease in conventional packaging (brown glass, green glass, aluminium foil, synthetics, etc. ). Miron Glass maintains the high energy over a long period of time.
In October 1997 the institut of Dr. Dieter Knapp in Mittenwald, Germany clearly confirms the effectiveness of Miron-Glass.
After 36 days of storage in brown glass (photo A) a distinct energy loss of globuli that was exposed to the sun can be observed. In Miron-Glass the energy is preserved strongly, harmoniously and vibrant (photo B). The photos clearly prove how important it is to store healing substances in Miron- Glass especially in the categories of Homeopathy, Bach flowers, tinctures, essences, etc. but also for energy rich food supplements, and essential oils.
Late 1997 the Institute of Dr. D. Knapp tested different spirulina samples. Fresh tablets from the same production were packaged in different containers. After 4 weeks the results were measured. The results speak for themselves. The sample in the violet glass showed a strong and dynamic energy field. The samples in brown glass and in synthetic container showed a clear energy loss.

Hass Avocados

Our Avocado trees grow in the rich soils in the foothills of Casitas Pass, near Santa Barbara, California. They are kissed by the sun nearly every day while ocean breezes waft up the canyon. The bees, birds and wildlife love this habitat, and so do we. We pick only when the fruit has reached maturity, the texture is creamy, (not stringy) and the flavor is rich and nutty. The wonderful climate allows us to pick over a long season, since there are several microclimates throughout the hillside property; some areas are warm (the fruit mature quickly) and others are cool (the fruit matures slower). Our farmer's market customers say they are "the best anywhere!"

A box of our tasty avocados would make a great gift for someone - or treat yourself.   12 count box $45 including shipping and handling. *Price subject to market fluctuations.

 Contact us for price and shipping information: (805) 649-2476 or E-mail: rivendell7@aol.com



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